Apr 28, 2005 01:12
Well, school is almost over now. This was the last week of classes and not I just have to take my exams and pass. It is a nice feeling to know all I have to do is pass the exam and I pass the class. So I am so looking forward to this summer, although it will be the busy busy busy for sure. The most busy summer I will have as of yet. I will be working 40+ hours I hope, along with trying to finish work on my motorcycle on the weekends along with skydiving. Which reminds me that I need to find some friends in Mount pleasant that will be here still so I can have people to hang out when I am down here jumping or working the the bike. But back to how I am glad is going to be done. It has not been a bad semester over all. I did some things I wanted along with not getting some things done I had wished to. But over all the pluses out weighed the neg's so not going to complain. But I am tired of the dorm live very much so and I don't know how someone could do it for 2,3 or 4 years. I guess I just need more space then they give you. But I think I did good this year in the dorms, I had to give in to some things since you are cramped with 3 other people in the size of a room that is not very big as most of you know. But I grew as a person a little bit since it was a test some times to not get frustrated but I think all the roommates I kept my cool the best since would not let the small stuff bother me. But truly I think my room did just fine we all get along for the most part except at times but we never had a blow out or what ever. So that makes me happy, since I know several rooms that the people don't talk to each other. But it will be different next year living in a house by my self with out any roommates. I would get a roommate but I don't want to pick just anyone since I have that option. So I am just going to tough it out and see what happens at semester and see if the tables turn. Maybe I will just have to get a girl friend and she can hang out with me, since it is about the time again, put it off long enough. Damn even my brother has one but it is funny to listen to him talk about her. I wonder if I talked about girls like that when I was his age.... nope since I was corrupted at a younger age by older kids that taught me about things I should have known about till later in life, oh well. Well I can tell this post is going now where I am just going off on several thoughts and typing a little about each one of them so it is cool since it is my journal.
Well I took a part to the machine shop today to have some work done on it and it is going to cost me like 120 bucks since I don't have the tools to do the work myself. So after I was told that i decided this summer I would work toward building my home shop up a little better with such tools as , drill press, bench grinder, make a shear, lathe maybe, would like a mill, and some smaller stuff. Well I know I will not get all that but if I can get the drill press that will save me so much work in the future since it just is a god sent will drilling. well end of that thought
Well back to my rant on the money issue. So as of right now I do have some money but it is spent since I am having my exhaust chromed and that part machines so that will drain most of my money for a couple weeks. But once I start working for john full time this summer mo money should be coming in. Make about twice as much as I make at CMU so that puts a smile on my face, along with the thought of over time for sure, hehe. But I also hope to buy a rig for skydiving this summer which will set me back about 1.5g's so not cheap for sure and that is for a used rig. Along with taking a motorcycle trip for a week will take more out of the budget but oh well. They are supped to be the best years of our life and we need to live them up since we never know when we will be able to do these things again if ever. So I have figured I will not worries about money as much as I can which still means it will always be on my mind but it alone will not stop me from spending it or having fun with it. OH speaking of skydiving a guy was killed the other day skydiving in Florida. He was hit by a plane in mid air when he was under canopy and it took off his legs and he was able to land but he died. sad thing is I know of the guy that was killed, since it is a small world in skydiving. I have only been in it under a year but I am starting to know the names of different people in it that have been around for years. I hope to be one of those people some day when they day devin patterson they will know about me since I would like to make it to a couple boggies this summer or next and meet some more people out side of MI since there is a whole world of skydivers out there. OH I got it, I will with my girlfriend or wife some day travel around the US or world and I will skydive at every location we go so I can say I have skydived all around the world. MMMmmmmm if you only know what that would be like.mmmmmmmmmmmm Well after stop typing for about 5mins to think about skydiving I have lost my train of thought so I will end it here for the night. note to self, see who is going to be in MP for the summer.