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Jul 20, 2008 14:04

What a weekend! I turned 30 and all is well. My wonderful husband and I had so much fun with all of our friends. I must say that I have some pretty awesome people that love me! Rhiana got a great surprise, Josh flew Kerri in from Miami for the weekend. It was so much fun to keep the secret and let her be surprised. I was so impressed with Josh this weekend. He made Rhiana's 30th birthday so special for her. It is so amazing to be where we all are right now. My daughter is perfect and everything I could have ever asked for... I have reached most of my main goals by 30 and I feel so great about myself. I realized this weekend that we are all grown up now. More of my friends are having babies and soon we will all be drinking high life at babies birthday parties instead of shows and bars! I am actually looking so forward to it. I have not really partied for a year and I made up for it this weekend... I think I may wait another year if it would work out as perfect as this weekend did.

I have taken up golf. I am digging it too. I never thought I would ever be any good at it but I am learning and it is a great workout!

Baby is crying... time to be mommy!
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