WOW I sound smart...

Aug 03, 2005 14:20

Listen to this...I sound smart and philosophical at times. It's great!

HHSsassy619: How would you choose to die?
AngelChickaBaby: I would like to die in my sleep.
HHSsassy619: I want to die in the arms of the one I love, the last words I say should be to him, and I want him to remember me forever.
AngelChickaBaby: That is so sweet!
HHSsassy619: I want him to be the last thing I see before I leave this world. That way, if there is no afterlife, or if it sucks and I go to hell or something, I will always have my last memory of this world and it's a happy one.
AngelChickaBaby: Awwwwwwww THAT IS SO FUCKING SWEET!
HHSsassy619: lol
HHSsassy619: its called hopeless romanticism
HHSsassy619: it sucks sometimes
AngelChickaBaby: I don't have it. Lol
HHSsassy619: be happy
HHSsassy619: it seriously sucks sometimes
AngelChickaBaby: Lol
HHSsassy619: such as when you're with a guy and you guys kiss for the first time, it's never going to be the way u imagined it
HHSsassy619: that's the wya things are...something is always going to go wrong with everything
AngelChickaBaby: Yup
HHSsassy619: so ur standards are automatically set too high if you have everything planned out
AngelChickaBaby: I like surprises.
HHSsassy619: and you're setting yourself up for constant disappointment
HHSsassy619: the best kind of prizes are surprises!!!
AngelChickaBaby: Lol
HHSsassy619: wow i actually made sense
HHSsassy619: i sounded philosophical for a second
AngelChickaBaby: Haha. Lol
HHSsassy619: i think im posting that in my LJ just so I can sounds smart.
AngelChickaBaby: Lol
HHSsassy619: yey!

So sounds kinda dopey now but it was kool when it was happening. I was proud of myself for making sense for a long period of time. Go me!!
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