Quiz Thing!!!

Aug 01, 2005 18:59

1. Name: Steph

2. Favorite Band: The Killers

3. Favorite Quote: There are so many...mostly song lyrics...ummm "Smile like you mean it" or "If you truly love something, let it go and if it does not come back it was never meant to be"

4. So....How's the family?: my family can go to hell but thanks for asking anyway

5. Aren't kittens wonderful?: when they like me, but most kittens don't like me

6. Favorite scent (real or artificial, your choice): Axe-Essence...turns me of like a light switch

7. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: anything w/vodka

8. Three places where you have to have sex before you die: Ferris Wheel (stole that one from denis), in the rain (it's my goal to make out in the rain by the end of summer and who knows where that'll end up??), and in the halls of good old Hoover High

9. Are you kinky? I don't know...am I?? (I honestly don't know)

10. So....Is there a God?: not that I'm aware of

11. Does Hell exist?: I'm living in it right now

12. Redrum or Murder?: Murder. It's more straighforward

13. Love or Lust, and why?: neither...you get hurt with both

14. How are your break-ups, normally?: well seeing as I've only had one break up and it was over four years ago... um...easy??

15. Favorite swear word: FUCK

16. How much would you pay me for a *great* sexual favor of your choice?: I wouldn't pay for it...you'd want to do it. Oooh yeah, baby!!!

17. If someone jumped out of your birthday cake, what kind of costume would they be wearing?: SKATER BOY CLOTHES...:spaz:

18. And who would it be?: I don't want to say

19. In which kind of position do you sleep?: on my side with my head resting on my arm

20. What's the strangest nickname you've given someone?: blitzing monkey (don't ask)

21. How much money would it take for you to beat up a stranger?: I wouldn't beat up a stranger...I'd get a guy to do it for me ^-^

22. Name 2 guilty pleasures: I cannot believe I'm saying this...Jesse McCartney and N*SYNC

23. An unknown talent of yours is...?: I have no unknown talents...at least not that I know of...

24. How would you kill the love of your life?: I wouldn't kill the love of my life...what kind of stupid question is that???

25. How would you kill your worst enemy?: I'd bring her into my basement and torture her until she gave me what I want (no one knows what this is, don't ask), and then hang her from the ceiling of my basement and light her on fire, starting with her hair...and listen to her screams of pain, and record it on a tape recorder and send it to the people she loves. Don't piss me off, people.

26. Are you a lover or a fighter?: I fight for love.

27. Are there really ghosts? Demons?: I think so, but I've never seen one

28. Ever been used?: Hell yea, and sometimes it's fun but other times it sucks.

29. Abused?: Being abused is fun. *sheepish grin* hee hee

30. Are you hot (you know you are, bitch.)?: no

31. Am I hot (couldn't help myself)?: when it says "AM I HOT"...who are you??

32. Which are better, vampires or werewolves?: werewolves...they're doggies and you can actually kill them.

33. What could a member of the opposite (or same, whichever you're attracted to) sex do to attract you?: make me laugh, tell me that I mean something to them.

34. To repel you?: tell me about things that they do/did with other girls in the past...or talk about past relationships with friends of mine...be mean to me and put me down...take ur pick

35. What is the biggest disappointment you've ever gotten from a person?: "I like you like a little sister" :cry:

36. Shoe size: 9

37. Do you have any mental disorders?: oh god yes

38. Make love, not ___________?: war, duh

39. Would you date a stripper? A prostitute?: no...ewwie

40. You would be proud to get arrested for----?: killing someone who caused pain to someone I love or care about...and sex in a public place ^-^

41. Would you give me the time of day?: i can't tell time, sorry

42. Of night?: once again...I can't tell time

43. Can you eat a whole watermelon in one sitting? (I would personally advise against it): i dunno...watermelons are mostly juice, right?? So it'd be like drinking and eating at the same time. Probably.
44. How do you like your steak?: well done

45. What would you die for?: not what, but who. I would die for two people outside of my family. I'll give you all three guesses.
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