my first

Jan 11, 2005 15:24

this is my first update in a long line of updates. did you ever realize that Bridget or "black hole" as her name shall be called, puts a shit load of ellipses (...-if your to stupid to know that). it's a conversation filler since she can't come up with something worth talking about. my life doesn't revolve around reading people's entries in case you were wondering i just have a lot of free time on my hands. i know you people think i don't have a life but i don't give a shit because i don't go to your school. i'm a dick because i'm talking to someone on their lj. but your the assholes that keep talking to me like your the ones getting insulted. so why don't you mind your own fucking business? bridget doesn't lie? then that's a fucking surprise because she posted that street called her and she doesn't want him. well then why the fuck did you call him and leave a message? you want to know who i am? to fucking bad, if you don't care so fucking much then why do you keep responding? your just adding fuel to the fire you bitch. get of the fucking computer, hang a rope on a high celling, put your neck through the loop and let yourself die bitch!!!! i had a good time today at school, it was awesome to see my girlfriend after school. i drove her home and am now on her computer. even if i think you guys are morons and the whole point of this journal is to vent like you use it, then i'm going to write about her every once in a while. she's not a ho like you people are.
i'm out
you wish you knew
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