This old trip....

Nov 28, 2003 13:37

Well the trip to L.A was...pretty fun.
First day wasnt that fun, me and justin sat on the train and waited till we arived in L.A. Then my dad took us to china town and we walked around. There was this shop called "The monkey king" which we went into, they had these little plastic animal things that you could cut in half and they had blood...yea funny lol. Then we went to this shop that had katanas for like 30$ bucks o_o i wanted to buy one so bad >.< but then i would have to take it on the sure they would love that. Then while me and justin were walking around this guy started taking pictures of us...we were like "uhhh" i duno wtf oh well. Then we headed back to my dads loft place, where we were gona stay. Then he dropped us off at melrose. Me and justin wandered around there for a little while then we went home for the day.
That night my dad took us to an art opening. That wasnt very fun except when he got me and justin vodka and stuff. Before the opening we went to virgin records and i bought a lamb of god and symphony in peril cd. Then we went to the art place. Me and justin got pretty buzzed and wandered around lookin like idiots lolol >.< Then we told my dad we were gona go to the car and we stumbled off the wrong way for about a couple blocks then we were like..ohhh car is the other way and went that way. When we just layed by the car till my dad came and then we went homeee and died. LoL. The next morning we got up and went to mc donalds for bekest (oh yeaaaa) good stuff. Then my dad dropped us off in holywood. Me and justin wandered into a borders where this guy in a suit and a tie was singing to backstreet boys, with headphones on, in this terable squeaky high shit voice. Everyone around him was laughing, lmao. At borders i bought an Amon Amarth cd then we left and headed for the holywood shops area. We were looking for anything and everything cool but we didnt find nuthin. I almost bought this zippo with a pentagram but i didnt. On our travels we found a starbucks, i had to feed the adiction. lol >.< After that he headed back to borders and there was this agent guy standing infront of it, he kept talkin to his sleeve and he had a little ear peice. So justin went up to him and said, "Agent Smith why do you keep talking to your sleeve?" the guy just looked at him funny and left lol. After that we went home for a bit and my dad took us to Tower Records, where i bought a Dimmu Borgir cd. Then we went home for that day. The next day is where it gets fun.
The next morning my dad took us to some place where he worked, some area out in no whereland. And next to the building he was working in there was this hospital from like the 70s, it was abondoned and had posted things saying keep out blah blah. Naturaly me and justin had to go in. We were looking for an open door but we didnt find any so justin goes up to a window, looks in and starts trying to push it upwards to open it. I turn around to see justin push through the window and the glass hits the ground on the other side. We were both like O_O and ran. We waited a bit to see if anyone heard it, no one did, so we went back to the window moved the rest of the glass and went in. Inside it was like somthing out of a horror movie, the lights were all broken and hanging and some on the floor broken. The tiled floor cracked and out of place. The walls were peeling and had brown spots everywhere. We wandered around in there for a while and came across this cation tape saying, "Do not cross fireline." so the building burned, and we thought, if it was a hospital...and it burned..a buncha people probly died. So we went to go check out the building right next to it. Which was almost identical. But this time we got a door open,but my dad showed up and we had to go >.< My dad dropped us off at this theatre and we went to go see the new matrix, nuthin to special. When we get back in the car my dad says, "So some girls from the place i work saw you guys and wanted to take you around L.A...we were like...uhhhh ok o_o. Later that night we were in some chicks small apartment fucked up...REALLYYY lol ><. We got vokda and coke and cigs and got happeh :D SO we were pretty fucked up there, then my friend calls, who i havnt talked to in a longgg time and i was all like weeeee doo lol. Then i was laying in the hall and i look over to the stairs to see justin pissing on them. lmfao i was like UHHHHHH justin those are STAIRS..dumb ass -.- then i almost fell asleep in the hall. Then i woke up and the peoples drove me and justin back to our apartment and we both passeded out there.
The next morning i was fine though, which is weird i didnt feel anything. Where as justin was like ugghhh me feel like shit, but not meeeee, we drank like the same amout too. Oh well. Anyways my dad took us to this place for bekest then we got on the train. On the train we bought skittles and threw them at people, i hit this old guy in the head, and he got mad. Then this other guy was like, "I cant sit next to punks they make me nervous and you guys might hit me." and moved his seat. Lmao funnyyyy. Within a few hours we arived home and i slept long time. :D Yep thats about eeet. Fun time.

im going now......i love you jamieeee :D
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