can we say ejrioldfkntolgkijs;hhnotlsrhmnlkj

Nov 02, 2003 20:51

Well lets see what did i do for haloween
Jonas' party oh yes
That was interesting.......
First when i got there i got there late so i fugered there would be a good amount of people there...i was wrong...leave it to jonas to have a "party" with 5 people. Jesus >.<
I got there and there was this guy, samuel, he talks like homestar runner, hes got a speach problem, but its the funniest shit ever
Me and justin had fun for hours going, say other "othor" no othER "othor" oh god funny!!
Then i had an idea, seeing how it was raining no little kids would be trick or treating so me and justin decided we would go. Right as we decided to leave the rain started pouring so me and justin stood on jonases porch and waited. It started to really pour and justin saw a lantern on the pourch so he grabbed it and rain into the rain yelling "the horse is sick we gota save her" i was laughing so much. Then the rain slowed, a little, so me and justin grabbed a trash bag and headed out into the rain to get candy. When we got to the road it was pitch black and pouring rain. We walked until we found a huge house with an open gate. We decided go in so we wandered in but couldnt find a door i swear these houses are like doorless. Then this car started to pull in and me and justin were thinking oh shit if that is the person that lives hear their gona kill us, so we ran out into the street and went down to yet another HUGE house. This one also had an open gate so we figured what the hell we'll try again. We walked up the drive-way and toward what we thought was the front door but it wasnt, there was a little side walkway and we thought maybe the door is down there so justin headed that way. Right as we started walking this dog started barking from inside the house. We both froze and then ran. We thought about how funny it had to look for anyone lookin at us from in the house, two kids both in goth clothing, boots, and heavy makeup running down their driveway with trashbags. lol >.< Then he headed for the end of the block, there wasnt much light so we ended up standing in a puddle as cars past us and the people inside lookin at us funny. One car past and stopped a short ways from us and we went over to them. It was jonases parents. lmao they were like um what are you guys doing? so we headed home. When we got home empty handed and soaking wet we decided to watch a movie, to our misfortune, samuel doesnt know how to shut up during a movie. It was like having a shitty directors comentary on, "oh looks hes dying haha hes stupid." finaly he left and we all went to bed, i slept on a freakin leather couch so everytime i rolled over it squeaked. Anyways we got up and went into town. At vons we were shopping around and this old lady comes up to me and justin and says, "still in your halloween costume?" we were like -.- old people. Then the power in vons went out and we almost ran out of the store with a shit load of stuff but the power came back on. We bought those cup of noodles things where you just add water, but we had no water. So we went and stood in line at starbucks then asked for hot water and 3 forks the lady looked at us like we were crazy :D! then we went home and all of that was over..not really that much fun. so yea no candy poooo. But last night was kinda fun. my mom made me go to this fancy italian restaurant place and when i walked in this entire family was lookin at me, i couldnt help but laugh. Then i went home and was playing ff7 till about 12:30 then i was like, "hey i didnt call jamie." so i called and talked with her for a couple hours (i wuvsies you jamie :P) then i went to bed. So halloween wasnt that fun and im so sick of school i ditched so much i had to stop it sucks done...
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