Jun 16, 2016 12:13
So what's been up with me. Surgery went very well Asher is now 14 month old. And I'm finally feeling like my old self again. I have way more energy and I'm not really eating a lot. I don't know if I'm losing any weight because I don't own a scale but I feel better then I did before. I still have a lot on my mind mostly to do with my family so I've kind of taken a hiatus from them. I realize that I am nothing like my mother and sister or my brother or even my daughter. I don't mind being alone cuz I know I'm not really. So enough of that blah blah blah. I really want to get out more go for some walks I can't wait for all these health problems to be fixed hopefully before summer ends then maybe I could actually go for a walk. I've been listening to a lot of metal music lately but I'm starting to miss the piano pieces a little. I've also been singing a lot and I mean a lot in the hole of a basement in the darkest corner of my castle. I keep imagining that I would sing in front of people and be good. I think I'm a person that likes to stay in their dreams.