Aug 18, 2005 20:54
d0nt w0rry im n0t g0nna mak3 this a r3ally l0ng entry::
tu3sday:: was my big br0th3rs birthday ((j0hn j0hn)) at 5 m3 and sam walk3d up t0 rit3 aid and m3t jaci th3n w3 walk3d t0 j0hns. ther3 wer3 23 ppl ther3. it was so0o0 much fun. m3 and sam l3ft j0hns at lik3 10 sumthing.
wedn3sday:: i hung 0ut with sam and w3 w3nt t0 my dads h0us3 at lik3 730 t0 sp3nd th3 night
thursday:: m3 and sam just hung out at my dads and list3ned to music all day. n lat3r on i cam3 t0 my m0ms h0us3.
friday:: im eith3r g0ing t0 j0hns 2nd party 0r th3 m0vi3s with sam and justin t0 c r3d ey3.
saturday:: i mayb g0ing t0 my grandmas, t0 hang 0ut with my cuzin, n g0 sh0pin
sundayy:: i have n0 id3a y3tt
m0nday && tu3sdayy && wedn3sday r l3adership training and th3 or3ntati0n f0r th3 sixth grad3rs s0 u ppl st0p askin m3::
m0ndayy and tu3sdayy its fr0m 8::00 t0 12::00
and wedn3sdayy from 7::00 to 1::00 ((i think))
s0 ya n0w i d0nt hav3 t0 updat3 f0r a whil3 yay!!!