Polisse... or shall I say... POP

May 08, 2005 22:23

So ever since thursday things have been looking up. It feels likew a huge burden has been reemoved from my shoulders and now all I can feel is contentment. Anything that happens is either good or bad but recently ive been looking on the good side of life cuz everythings fabulous! Man... ok so I've been hanging wit Andy and Derek and Butters and them recently... most importantly Andy cuz like... ahh hes so fucking awesome to me... like he keeps goin outta his way to like... talk to me and stuff and like aww but im not gonna get into that one... I havent really been a good person but im done being bad as of now and thats a promise im making to myself and not to others to satisfy them, but for my own self worth. Not to say i dont like to satisfy people but sometimes you gotta do things for yourself so ive decided today's the day. I got into a convorsation with Jakk at Dereks house today about smoking cuz it turns out he has bronchitis (sp?) and if he continues to smoke  he will get emphasema and like... i was telling him how if i ghafta give up bud for 5 months, he can give up butts for 2 weeks and like... i dunno i hope he doesnt do something stupid and die cuz like... hes so cool and yah... Anyways...
     There will be a meeting held on Monday, May 9, 2005 for a quick update on the information debockled between Pip and myself. We explained our plans to sign up for a certain 'after-school' activity. Thus including and not prohibiting: Mountain Climbing, Drama, Art... ect. Thus, from this day forward be an acting participant in the '____ group'. This would allow us to have Piccadello time and hang out without anyone REALLY knowing what the fuck is going on. But, as for now... this message is done.

SO I was reading up on some peoples diarys and i must say im shocked. Im very surpsirsed by the juvenile acts brought forth by no one other than the name of snugglefunshinebear. lt;/s>It has purposely put up a website demoting a certain type of elephant and I must say... whats it matter if all Elephants are created equal in the land of 'man(?)' Or... woman.... or god? Who fucking knows what im getting at but honestly... WHO CARES IF SOME ELEPHANTS FEET ARE BIGGER THAN OTHERS?!?! WHAT? HUH? THATS WHAT IU THOUGHT... you... you.... GOOD FOR NOTHING POO EATER!


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