Dec 24, 2005 00:17
Alright yesterday (Which is yesterday because it is passed 12) I had a weird day. First it started off good because I didn't go to school! That was good, but then it started to go downhill a little bit. I have a tendancy to turn my furustration into anger, which I dont think is healthy. I'm such a messed up child. I got mad at my family for reasons I don't feel like explaining. If only people knew. But then I got to talk to Kristi, and no one will ever understand how much I love this chick. She put me in such an amazing mood because she is one of the only people that can make me laugh. Also, Miss Jess did too. I love her as well. She laughs at the way I laugh haha. Anyways I also had a talk with Keri and she will not let me cut my hair or become gangster for the new year. So I guess I will just be the same person. Hopefully I will get to see these people who make my life wonderful over the break! That would just make me the happiest person in the world.
So this one goes out to people I can call my best friends.