On the Sasori vs Sakura / Chiyo fight

Apr 16, 2011 21:31

This was posted by a Sasori fan on a forum I frequent. He really, really, REALLY hates Sakura and call her fans 'apologists ( Read more... )

i can't believe we're still defending th, naruto, crying "get away from my bishies!", crying "not badass enough", sakura haruno naruto, fanbutt hypocrisy alert!, crying for no reason

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inuyatta April 17 2011, 02:03:57 UTC
Hope this Hinata 'fan' isn't one of ours. X_X

Agh, goddammit, Sakura hasn't been featured much in the current arc, leave her the fuck alone when she is doing her job, fanbrats!


kankurette April 17 2011, 06:28:40 UTC
It's Naruku. Does he post often in the Hinata FC? I had to put him on ignore cos his constant Sakura hateboner was driving me nuts.


inuyatta April 17 2011, 10:19:59 UTC
I haven't seen him in there at least recently, so I don't know if he's even added. I know for damn sure he wouldn't get away with that shit with Gabz around though.


kankurette April 17 2011, 12:57:54 UTC
He claims to be a fan of hers in the HoU, presumably because she isn't Sakura. He also made a thread targeting Anko specifically to piss Ayana off because she owns the Anti-Hinata FC. His Sakura bashing is OTT and creepy and reminds me way too much of Kaen Mikami's anti-Shikamaru crusade.

And I wish the Hinata fans accusing people who hate her of being mentally ill or having no tits would get off my side. I don't agree with the antis on a lot of things, but that's just stupid. And of course they HAVE to bash Sakura. Because we can't have one Hinata thread that doesn't mention how much Sakura sucks.


inuyatta April 17 2011, 16:03:08 UTC
Ugh. Sometimes I wish you had to pass a basic test just to be allowed on a public forum on the internet.

If Ayana is who I think she is, she's got some serious 'splaining to do about why she thinks it's ok to use the word 'rape victim' like an insult. O_o

That's a whole other can of worms though--directly antagonizing someone, even someone who makes outrageous claims, is petty and dumb.


kankurette April 17 2011, 17:07:31 UTC
Yeah, I hated that too. Even if she was just referring to hentai, it was totally in bad taste. Just because some idiots want to make Hinata into a submissive little waifu doesn't mean all her fans do, because, well, most of us know better. Although gloating about how you made a thread to piss someone off because OMG THEY HATE MY CHARACTER AND THE EVIL SUCKURA FANS THINK I ONLY MADE IT TO BASH SUCKURA AREN'T THEY STUPID is lame too. Not to mention that he kept bringing Sakra or Suckura or Pinky McBitchface or whatever the antis call her up in that thread himself. I just hope that when Hidan dies in the dub, KM / Brooke Logan is not going to start with her Shikamaru fan bashing too.

Then again, this is the forum that talks constantly about 'rapestomping' characters, so colour me surprised.


inuyatta April 17 2011, 17:27:24 UTC
Pft, if we're gonna start labeling characters based on fanon hentai versions: Sakura is a nympho sex slave to anyone with dangly bits, Hinata is the ultimate subservient waifu, Naruto is the skeezy perv with absolutely no consideration or affection for any girl and Sasuke is the uber-evil rapist with worse dialogue than the previous three combined.

...there's a reason I stick to mostly FCs.


kankurette April 17 2011, 20:31:36 UTC
And everyone has giant great melons, even Sakura, and Kakashi is a paedo and Neji is a rapist.

I like the FCs. Shame anti-Sakura feeling always creeps in. ANH isn't bad, but I got into trouble in the Chouji FC for proposing an alliance with the Sakura FC, because one of the regulars hates Sakura. My reason was, we fans of bashed characters have to stick together.


inuyatta April 18 2011, 00:42:02 UTC
YES, GOOD LORD. Tits be so big, you could fall forward and never faceplant. X_X

ANH is pretty much nothing but spam with occasional fuckitry, but Sakura gets an amazing amount of hate for a character that hasn't gotten to do a whole lot recently--but then, there are people who hate Tenten and then I just throw up my hands and declare it all being beyond reason.


kankurette April 18 2011, 06:50:22 UTC
Sakura's barely been in the manga, and you think people would be happy, but no, they have to bitch about her for wearing a skirt, for not soloing an Edo, for healing 'nameless fodder' (because Gai is totally nameless fodder, amirite?) etc. I can agree with the anti-Chouji stuff recently to some extent, although I still think people are being way too harsh on him, but Sakura shows up in ONE panel and gets a bash thread. One. Panel. I know some of the Library people admit they will never be happy with anything she does, they don't want her to get development, and that the only thing she could do to make them happy is die.

As for Tenten, she frustrates me because Kishimoto could have done so much more, but bashing her? What has she done that deserves bashing?


inuyatta April 18 2011, 07:35:37 UTC
Shit, they'd still be whining about how she died wastefully or some crap. It doesn't matter, if you are one of the rookie kunoichi, you are damned if you do; damned if you don't.

I feel that way about a lot of characters Kishi has introduced, but not one of them has done anything that deserves the level of vitriol the girls get.


kankurette April 18 2011, 10:09:06 UTC
The only male character who gets bashed as much as the kunoichi is Chouji. Sasuke's large fandom makes up for his hate.

And what a surprise, the SasuNaru fangirls are going wild at Sakura over the confession and whining about how she's such an evil abusive whore, treating Naruto like a punchbag and always hitting him EVEN THOUGH MOST OF THE TIME IT ONLY HAPPENS IN THE FUCKING ANIME, and how dare she play with his feelings and how it would be so much better for him if he ended up with Sasuke.


slayerofgod April 18 2011, 11:14:00 UTC
Wait. They hate Sakura for playing with his feelings, yet they want him to be with Sasuke>!

Am I missing something?


kankurette April 18 2011, 11:56:28 UTC
SasuNaru fan #1: "The difference between SasuNaru and SasuSaku as far as violence, to me, is that Sasuke actually shows regret when he hurts Naruto badly. He's never once shown remorse for hurting Sakura, with the one exception of his brief "Thank You"...before knocked her out and placed her on a bench. All the times post-timeskip that he's tried to kill her, he hasn't even hesitated. The violence in that pairing is pure violence, there's no other feelings really "underneath the underneath". Sasuke's reactions and facial expressions change completely when he is suddenly facing Naruto though (just look at the end of VotE or the end of the second reunion), which is why I don't count the violence in the two pairings as being exactly the same. (...) And NaruSaku...I never understood why Sakura always felt the need to punch Naruto across a field whenever he acted like...well, like himself. I didn't blame her for punching him when he was being a pervert, but 90% of the time she was punching him for just being near her or saying something ( ... )


slayerofgod April 18 2011, 12:17:46 UTC
Wow. I mean, I don't doubt that Sasuke feels *something* for betraying his friends, but there's no huge discrepency between how he reacts to Sakura and Naruto.

And yes, Sakura hitting him *is* comedy. Do not forget that you are watching a kid's show. Exaggerated violence is a motif of that, even over here. Just look at Warner Bros.


kankurette April 18 2011, 12:53:04 UTC
People just WILL NOT GET IT. It is not meant to be abuse. We are talking about a girl who can break rocks. If she wanted to do Naruto damage, she could. Moreover, most of the hitting is not canon, as it only occurs in the anime. But of course the bashers don't see it that way.


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