teh noob striks agin!!!11!2!fourhundreandseventyone!

Nov 09, 2003 13:52

Hello everyone! My name is Riku and I'm a longtime lurker and short-time member of this community. I'm glad that there's a community like this; character bashing is something that irritates me to no end.

Tidus, from Final Fantasy X--Man, this one's a biggie. A lot of people really seem to hate him, saying he's a brainless jock or some blathering idiot. (Which he can be, yes, but isn't for the most part.) Another reason I've seen is for his voice actor. Personally, I like his VA; he did a much better job than Yuna's did, and people don't seem to be hating Yuna, do they? I just don't get it. I LOVE Tidus to bits. He's goofy, he's funny, he's flawed, he's pretty damned loyal to Yuna, and he's interesting. Like all FF protagonists, he has his share of angst; however, he takes it in such a way that is developing and interesting. (I never did like Cloud or Squall much, although they're still great characters.) He is my absolute favorite FF main protagonist (so far--Yuna might just beat him in FFX-2)and FFX would have been a completely different game without him.

Sumomo/Plum, from Chobits--Another case of "Her-English-VA-Drives-Me-Up-The-Wall-So-I-Hate-Her" Syndrome. I haven't checked to see how much Sumomo-bashing goes on online, but from my group of anime-club friends I get nothing but "Gaaah, no! It's Sumomo! Kill 'er!" whenever she comes onscreen. Yes, she's uber-hyper. Yes, her voice is very, very high-pitched. But she's also very funny and a source of stability in the series. She was hilarious in the manga and hilarious in the anime as well, I thought. Oh well.

Hikaru, from Magic Knight Rayearth--Now this one I don't get at all. Hikaru is one of the very few female main-protagonists that I really liked; she's funny, she's a little naive, she's very determined, but she's also very strong. She truly cares about her two friends, Umi and Fuu, and nearly sacrifices her own life just to protect them. There's nothing in the first half of the series to really condemn her, I think. The second half however...I've seen many yaoi fans bash her just to make room for Lantis/Eagle. (Which is a tres cute pairing, but not enough to hate a character over, in my mind.) Still, I don't see how that one thing can outweigh all the positive aspects of her character. Hnn.

Rikku (FFX-2 Version)--This has been a lot less of a problem as the release date of FFX-2 approaches, but...many people bashed her at first for her supremely...uh, fanservicey outfit. And while she really does have a fanservicey outfit (I was taken aback the first time I saw it), I don't see why that should be good grounds for character-bashing. Like all of the cast of FFX, she's an excellent character. I just don't get it. *scratches head*

Anyway, that's all I can think of at the moment. Glad to be here!

final fantasy x, magic knight rayearth, chobits

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