Dead Rising and Resident Evil

Nov 04, 2007 23:22

In spite of the fact that the Dead Rising fandom seems to be pretty darn tiny, I've still seen character-bashing occur - one of my favourite characters I tend to see bashed occasionally is Jessica "Jessie" McCarney. I wouldn't say she gets as much flak as some of the other characters in the game, but, alas, bashing of her does exist.

She's a rookie and therefore utterly useless! - Yes, she is a rookie agent, but how does this make her "useless"? True, she spends much of the game shut up inside the security room, but if you'd sprained your ankle whilst trying to aid your comrade, I don't think you'd be quite able to fight your way through hoardes of zombies, now, would you? That, and her time in the security room is spent watching the security cameras for vital information, and looking after certain other characters. Useless? I think not.

She reveals too much cleavage/her breasts are too big! She's a slut! - *sigh* Yet another female character being accused of "sluttiness" because of the size of her breasts/the way she dresses. These aspects do not make her a so-called "evil slut".

She's fat! - ...Erm, what? O_O The woman is curvy, sure, but I certainly wouldn't call her "fat". Even if she was overweight, what the heck would it matter? (Here's a full body picture, for those of you who don't know what she looks like and are curious.) Sadly, it isn't just Jessie who gets abuse for the way she looks - I've seen Isabela being bashed because she's slim. >_< Can no character win? (ETA: Okay, the link to the pic now works. XD)

She's dumb! - Okay, so she does make some... questionable decisions and actions throughout the game - failing to notice that Dr. Barnaby was turning into a zombie and staying in the same room as him comes to mind, as does the fact that she calls for help and instead of the help she (and everyone else) expects, the government sends in the Army to clean the place out (in spite of what happened to Isabela when her people tried to do the same thing in Santa Cabeza). This does not make her "dumb", or a bad person. She truly believed that she was doing the right thing in calling for help as soon as she was able - my guess is that she pushed Isabela's story to the side and let hope take over.

Also, regarding Resident Evil - am I the only person in the fandom who doesn't loathe Rebecca Chambers? She is a little annoying in the first game, to be fair, but I personally blame that on the game's naff voice-acting (which is highly entertaining for me), although it has been a while since I've played the original - heck, I haven't even completed Chris' scenario yet, so I haven't seen all of the Rebecca scenes.

Anyway, I've seen people pouring enormous amounts of hatred and scorn on her, saying that she's weak/that she's a useless little coward/that she's stupid and ditzy/that all the other characters (mainly her comrades) hate her and would kill her in an instant. None of these are true. I don't like her as much as, say, Jill Valentine, but she has grown on me over the years and I fail to see why she deserves such bashing. The amount of hatefic I've seen written about her is just... gah. I've lost count.

crying "slut/whore/playboy", resident evil, female characters, dead rising, clothes do not make the person, video games, crying "devoted = weak", crying "not badass = useless"

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