The Trajickal Story of Anime Females in a Love Triangle, featuring Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino and Temari from Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto, as told by Freya.
I hate Ryoko fantards like that because they make me feel embarrassed for liking Ryoko. I admit it, I really don't like Ayeka, but I'm certainly not going to bash her. I just tend to ignore her. XD
Yeah. Het fandom often does a number on the poor ladies, but it's no different in the yaoi fandom. The 'uke' gets the same exact treatment as the 'Loved Girl' (same personality, same wangst, same physical traits, bar the 'jiggly mounds' and the 'rose bud'), whereas any girl that comes BETWEEN THE TRUE BOY LOVZ ONOES!!!1 is the 'Hated Girl' by default.
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