(no subject)

Dec 11, 2006 16:04

Whenever a "who is your most hated character" topic comes up, not only do people go after the female characters first, but they go after the heroines, the sweet quiet shy ones, the main love interests, the spunky little country girls, or the strong tough Amazons.

I find this quite an irritating pattern. Simply disliking those types is one thing, but it seems like the people who go into these threads were just WAITING for a chance to go on and on about what a big fat stupidhead Miaka is, how useless and weak and weepy Ninian is, what a dumb bitch Relena is, etc. Then when people try to defend their favorite females in a civil manner, the bashers get all huffy and spit about how lame it is to get so defensive of fictional characters. Or say "I have a RIGHT TO MY OPINION!!!!". Yes, you do have a right to your opinion, but so does this so-called lame loser who happens to disagree with you.

But anyway. Who do you find gets the short end of the stick on these hate threads? Do you go out of your way to defend them, or avoid posting in case you find yourself getting wanky about it?

And when you see a favorite female get bashed, do you make a point of ficcing/iconning/drawing them for the rest of the day, as a sort of rebellion? XD

bashers suck, discussion, fanbutt hypocrisy alert!

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