FF7 girls

Oct 21, 2006 13:50

Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only person that likes all the Final Fantasy 7 females. It seems like a lot of people like one or two and absolutely hate the other. Most of it's a war between Aeris and Tifa, and Yuffie tends to be universally hated. So I'm going to defend all three. Spoilers for FF7.


Aeris seems to be the most hated of the three and I really don't understand why. Here are some reasons that people give.

She's too sweet and nice!

Every time I see this reason, I just want to say, "Dude, what's your problem?" Because you know, nice and sweet people are just so terrible! And let's put it this way, do you want your healer to be a complete mood swingy bitch? And she's not all that sweet and nice, she could be a little devious at times.

She's a damsel in distress!

Ok, not really true. When she was captured by Shinra, she was giving herself up to them for Marlene's sake. And of course, Cloud, Tifa and Barret aren't just going to leave her with them. Oh, and Red XIII was being held captive by Shinra too, but I don't see people complaining about him.

She's a weak female character!

Since when does a woman have to be a rambo chick in order to be considered a strong woman? Just because she's not a fighter doesn't make her a weak character. In fact, she and Tifa are supposed to compliment each other. Tifa is a physically strong character, but she is emotionally fragile, while Aeris is a physically weak character, but is mentally strong. And it can be argued that Aeris is the main hero of the game.

She's ugly!

Ok, this is all up to one's own oppinion, and if this is a reason that you don't like a character, then you're pretty shallow.

She's useless!

Yeah, because destroying meteor at the end was a completely useless thing to do. ::rolls eyes:: And I guess these are people that play the game by going attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, and hardley use magic unless it's for healing or an enemy is only weak towards magic.

She was stupid for going after Sephiroth herself!

Ok, she wasn't actually going after Sephiroth, she was trying to get the holy materia to work. And Aeris knew she had to die. If you remember at the city of the ancients, Red's grandfather read the thing that said "When one that seeks holy returns to the earth", and something more that I can't remember at the moment. But the point is is that she knew that she was going to have to die in order to save the planet.

She's a bitch to Tifa!

Ok, I remember them being pretty good friends. Aeris wanted to rescue Tifa from the Don's place and Tifa wanted to save Aeris from Shinra. If you have Tifa in your group when Aeris is killed, she runs out crying. Yeah, they really hate each other.

She stole Cloud from Tifa!

Um, no, Cloud chose her over Tifa. And in the game, you can choose who you want Cloud to love. But at the very end Cloud specifically says that he wants to meet Aeris in the promised land.

She's a slut!

Ok, I don't remember her doing anything slutty in the game. Some people are talking about her slit and all I have to say is, look at Tifa and Yuffie's outfit and thell me those aren't slutty.

I'll do Tifa and Yuffie later.

female characters, final fantasy vii

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