Defending Kairi *Again*

May 18, 2006 14:01

Well, guess what? Kairi of the "Kingdom Hearts" fandom has even been bashed by a forum MODERATOR! The reasoning this mod gave me disgusts me so much that I had to post about it here. All also put in some Namine defense while I'm at it, since Namine bashing is also involved here. Let's take a trip inside the mind of a corrupt mod, shall we?

Now, this mod stepped into a discussion because some morons were bashing poor lil' Namine on a "Namine or Kairi" poll (more on this stupid subject in a minute...) She should have stopped it mod-style but she didn't...she defended Namine by BASHING KAIRI! Here are all the incredibly ridiculous claims she made against her:

"Kairi's annoying. She is so 2-Dimensional. Out of all the Princesses of Heart, she is the most boring (and that's counting Snow White!). She has no personality, she's ugly during all in-game scenes"

WHAT...THE...FUCK?! Kairi is the most boring of all Princesses of Heart, including Snow White? Where and how did you come up with this?! Kairi is very interesting to me, along with Belle and Alice (Jasmine SHOULD have been interesting, but Square screwed her up big time.) No personality...I guess happiness, faithfulness to friends, and a strong will don't count as a personality then. And UGLY?! I'm not even going into that, but this is a claim others have made against Kairi (mainly due to her "large head". Aaargh! If Sora and Riku didn't have as much hair as they did, their heads would look just as large.)

"She always had this thing against Riku. She tore Riku and Sora apart, and, to me, that makes her the b*tch, not Namine. Anyone who can break two friends apart without any hint of regret can't be pure."

Now this is just sad. This is also an attack on Kairi made by Sora/Riku fans as well. Let me tell you what was clearly shown in the game: KAIRI DID NOT BREAK THEM APART! Sora and Riku were still just as good friends as ever with Kairi in their group, in fact I think she helped them all get closer. It was RIKU'S DARKNESS that broke him apart from Sora, as well as break him apart for Kairi. He wanted to see other worlds and so he opened his heart to darkness, that's what seperated him from Sora, he says as much himself all the time. And no, you can't argue that it was Kairi's fault that he thought of going to other worlds ("If you hadn't come here...I probably wouldn't have thought of any of this.") Riku is in control of his own thoughts, Kairi never made him think about other worlds, she and Sora just seemed to be concerned with having a good time, Riku was the only one who took the whole raft project seriously.

The saddest "evidence" against Kairi seperating Sora and Riku is because apparently her name can be written meaning "Seperation" and people use that as proof. Well guess what? NOMURA HIMSELF confirmed that the meaning behind Kairi's name was actually "Water", since Sora is "Sky" and Riku is "Land". He said that Sky, Water, and Land are the three elements that made up Destiny Islands, thus the importance of their names. So in reality, Kairi's name is proof that Sora, Riku, and Kairi belong TOGETHER, all THREE of them. She's not "seperating" Sora from Riku, Sora and Riku NEED her just as she needs them. They are Sky, Water, and Earth...they are Destiny Islands.

"Namine, on the other hand, HAS personality, she's prettier than Kairi (I can't believe a blond's more good-looking), and she definitely has more reason to do what she does."

I can't believe Namine defense is actually a bad thing I said, it's because this mod feels she has to bash Kairi to get her points across. The only thing I agree on here is that Namine has personality, but so does Kairi. Prettier than Kairi is opinion, not fact (I actually think they look the same...oh yeah, because in a sense, they ARE the same!) And has no "more" reason for her actions than Kairi does, stop undermining Kairi.

"This is why, at the end, she restores Sora's memories, because she has a heart and knows that what she did, even if unintentional on her part, was wrong. Whereas Kairi couldn't care less if Riku died and never came back from Hollow Bastion as long as she got to have Sora's complete attention."

LOL, first off, no, Namine does NOT have a heart. This is not bashing, it's a fact, she's a Nobody and Nobodies have no hearts. And two and more importantly, WHAT?!!! KAIRI was the one who wanted to go WITH Sora back to Hollow Bastion and SAVE RIKU! If that's not enough proof that she cares for Riku, SHE'S the one in KH2 who gets Riku to stay with her and Sora when he's about to leave (also proof that the whole "Seperation" thing is bullshit.)

"She didn't really show much compassion, if any, towards Riku. So, in a way, she broke Sora and Riku's friendship long before Maleficent ever came along, back on that island. Maleficent just helped it along. And that IS fact."

LOL!!! FACT?! FACT?! Even down to the NAMES, the importance of Sora, Riku, and Kairi is their friendship TOGETHER! And see above when you say she doesn't show any compassion to Riku. "This is fact" MY ASS!

"She just gets on my nerves with her mary-sue-damsel-in-distress-I'm-worthless role in the game"

Kairi's not a mary sue OR worthless, I don't think I even have to explain myself here. And in KH2, her whole development story was about going beyond being a damsel-in-distress. She finally remembers Sora and gets more and more determined to find him and Riku herself. And throughout the game, she gets stronger until she eventually is able to wield a keyblade! Thus, the "damsel-in-distress" thing was a neccessary stage for her in order for her development to be as cool as it is.

And then, someone asked this idiot mod "WHERE did you get the idea that Kairi didn't care about Riku?" The response:

"She left him behind at Hollow Bastion, and didn't want Sora to go back to save him simply because she thought he might've lost his heart"

Head, meet desk. Kairi did NOT say that Sora shouldn't go back to Hollow Bastion because Riku might've lost his heart. The quote was: "You think it'll ever be the same again between us? Riku's lost his..." She was displaying WORRY for Riku! She was worried that now that Riku's lost his heart, she fears that things might not be the same between the three of them. That quote proves she DOES care about Riku, not that she DOESN'T!

So as you can see, this mod has terribly, TERRIBLY misinterprated the game's story if this is the way she thinks. I am sad for Kairi, sad for the fandom, and sad for myself for having to READ this crap.

BONUS: KAIRI VS. NAMINE: I told you I'd get to this. I just want to say that this is a completely retarded debate because Kairi and Namine are two parts of the same person! Bashing one and praising another just doesn't make sense AT ALL. Plus, in the time they met, Kairi and Namine were FRIENDS and now they live as one existence. If Kairi was a real person, she would be furious of any "fan" of hers bashed Namine, same goes for Namine, who would hate Kairi bashing. In short, any Kairi fan who goes around and bashes Namine or any Namine fan who goes around and bashes Kairi are hypocrites, plain and simple (or simple and clean, or whatever...)

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