Defending some characters from the money-grubbing fans!

Oct 22, 2005 08:00

I've decided to try something new...I'm defending characters who aren't too well-known in the "mainstream" of things. I just happened to discover that characters I like in these shows are often hated and bashed. I'll go from most known to least known aka from bad to worst...

Zatch (Zatch Bell):

Zatch is Kiyo's mamodo, and people hate him for three chief reasons: 1. He's a wimp, 2. He has an annoying voice, and 3. His show replaced Yu Yu Hakusho on Toonami! Okay, first off, how is he a "wimp"? He's very powerful, if he wasn't he wouldn't be here right now! I guess they mean that he doesn't like fighting and/or often cries. Not every main character has to be a hardass, you know. Zatch hopes for peace, which is much better than the senseless "I wanna be the Mamodo King!" fighting.

For the second point, his voice is done by Deri Derryberry (famous for playing Jimmy Neutron). That voice is kind of annoying, but it actually does suit Zatch's energetic personality. And finally, why should you hate Zatch because of what his show did? For that matter, don't even hate the show! It was Cartoon Network's decision to replace Yu Yu Hakusho with it! You'll just have to deal with it.

Sissy (Code Lyoko):

Sissy is a school headmaster's daughter and people hate her for three chief reasons as well: 1. She's a mean bitchy snob, 2. She's ugly, and 3. She gets in the way of the Ulrich/Yumi coupling. For the first point, yes it's true that she IS a mean bitchy snob, but is that really how she is at heart? For anyone who actually pays attention to the show, the answer is no, there have been many occassions that have shown that she's pretty nice deep down. I see her behavior as a shield to conceal her insecurities, sort of like Asuka from "Neon Genesis Evangelion". And so far, she's been showing lots of signs of changing her ways. Why can't people realize that people can change? It's the same deal for Terra of Teen Titans, or Professor Chronos from Yu-gi-oh! GX, people get too fixated on how they WERE rather than who they ARE now.

For point 2, how the hell is she ugly? The "big head design" is no excuse, because every character in the show is designed that way and no-one says they're ugly. And point 3, which is the biggest reason, I'd have to say that she actually makes the coupling more interesting. Without her, it would just be an on-and-off angsty relationship (although it's already becoming that anyway!). And really, there's really not that much of a chance of her breaking up the Ulrich/Yumi relationship, since Ulrich rejects SIssy all the time anyway (quite rudely I might add, and yet all the fangirls still love him just because "he's hot". Ugh.)

The Spot (Spider Man: TAS):

This is a ONE-TIME villain from the show. He appeared in the episode bearing his name. His real name is Jonathan Ohn, and he was a scientist who worked on inter-dimensional transport technology for the Kingpin until an accident gave him the power to control inter-dimensional transport. He used it to steal money so that he and his beloved coworker Sylvia could fund a lab of their own and quite working for "Moneygrubbing people like Fisk". Spot eventually teamed up with Spider Man to save Sylvia, but then all heroes and villains saw that a inter-dimensional portal had been left open and was sucking up the city. The Spot and Slyvia sacrificed themselves by sealing themselves into the portal in order to close it.

The reason this guy is hated is because he's "the lamest villain ever, and his voice left one wishing a portal would come and suck up their TV". First off, what's wrong with camp villains once in a while? I thought the Spot was funny and his voice didn't annoy me at all. I'm shocked that he and his episode are hated that much in the Spider Man: TAS fandom, but it is. I don't think I'll even understand...

Well, that's all I have time for. Share your thoughts with me if you please. Goodbye! (Goes off through an inter-dimensional poratl.)

code lyoko, zatch bell, spider-man

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