Dec 07, 2004 21:13
I just joined the community, because I wanted to give a slightly different standpoint.
I noticed in the community icon, you have a picture of Honda Touru.
Now, Touru alone as a character, I don't mind at all. She's rather nice, and has a good little backstory.
(BTW I've only seen the anime, so this is from an anime standpoint)
It's not Touru herself I don't like.
It's the effect she has on the characters around her. In the anime, the entire Souma family is absolutely obsessed with her. This wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, if they were obsessed with the fact that an outsider knows the family secret. However, the way she's the 'Sohma family medicine' as I call her, is rather tedious and gets annoying after the first few times.
Here are a few examples:
Yuki, known for being a bit stony before meeting her, suddenly opens his shell for her. Like when he played cards because she asked him to, or when she pushed him to get along with his brother and then visited Ayame's shop. If this had been alone, that's okay. However, Kyou also opens up to her. He cooks her leeks when she's sick, and says that she can always come talk to him. I understand that she's nice to him, but I believe he told her they could always talk in the second or third episode. That's a bit early for someone so normally rowdy to just blossom.
This was particularly annoying. When Touru met Hatori, and he was remembering how the girl he loved told a riddle that had a very specific answer that differed from the more obvious answer. The fact that Touru knew the answer was hilariously cliche. And as I said before, if this had been the only point, it would have been fine, but the list goes on.
Touru naturally is the one that breaks Kyou entirely from his shell. And at what cost? Getting dirty and sad for like two days.
She just happens to know EXACTLY what to say to have people like her.
1st example: Kisa-she knew that Kisa was 'afraid', and Kisa practically stalked her after that.
2nd example: Hiro-he starts to like her after her talk with him...
3rd example: Akito-this I find the worst one, because I knew it would happen. Akito would get angry at her, and she'd tell him how sorry she felt for him and he'd let her go.
What I'm trying to say here is, yeah, there are some people that hate the whole happy kindness thing, but not all of us. :D It's also a bit annoying when they have EVERY guy after Yuuki Miaka...whether it's rape or not XD
The characters could be made a bit more realistic is all. Just wanted to show a different view is all :D
fruits basket