"I hate them, so I must make all their friends hate them too!"

Aug 20, 2004 14:27

Some people's hatred knows no bounds

(Then again, maybe it's just a big funny joke. But it did remind me of this.)

This isn't a character-specific rant as it is a generalized one.

One of my biggest pet peeves about bashing is when people make all the other characters hate the 'victim' as much as they do-even if in canon, they'd DIE for the bashed character. Case in point: Hotohori. He loves Miaka. He risked his own life to save her from drowning and held Tamahome at swordpoint earlier on. But in one fanfic I read, he was disgusted by her very presence and wished she would die, then went on about how much better Yui was than Miaka. Can we say "ridiculous"? He doesn't even KNOW Yui. :P

In the above comic, Eliwood is shown thanking Negral for killing Marcus. O_o;; In the game, Marcus is as dear to Eliwood as his own father.

Fanfics where Duo hates Relena for getting between him and his precious "Hee-chan". Umm...Duo STOPPED HEERO FROM KILLING RELENA in the second episode. (I think it was that one...)

In the cases of Duo and Hotohori, the fangirls seem to hate that their bishies would DARE care about an annoying skank like Miaka or Relena, so they have the bishies decide they hate the girls. In other cases, it's not so much the "they steal my bishie" thing as it is "Eww, my favorite character likes someone I hate! I must make them stop!". I just find this ridiculous. The bashers can do whatever they want, but it won't change the fact that Hotohori would give his life for Miaka, Eliwood cares about Marcus, and Duo stopped Heero from killing Relena.

Okay, I'm done.

character a vs. character b, fushigi yuugi, fire emblem, gundam wing

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