Now,I bet you all saw this earlier.....
As for me,the picture was cute and funny with little Rinoa looking for her precious Squall only to find him sleeping with his enemy....*gasp*Seifer!
I giggles....until I read the caption,the caption is pretty so-so and if anyone gets the joke,good for's just that,why?
It's a joke,right?
Because I hope they can laugh too when they get called "Annoying slash fangirls who squee and break windows" by fanboys or at fun boards you visit.
Hell! If I can laugh at being called,"OMG!Thegirlwhokeeps sayingshe'snotrabid!1111" along with that.
The reason why I posted here,it's character bashing. Nowadays I'm for it for humor reasons and if you can take it when it's done to your favorite character also.
Because now,I'm too old for this...