Videl Versus The World!

Jun 05, 2004 22:32

Hello, boys, girls, escaped convicts, and those of you out on good behaviour. Welcome to Videl Versus The World, where I will give a good, long rant about a character I feel is being harassed too much and a little something else "just because."

Let's start off with a sequel I promised months ago, shall we? If you're not familiar with the characters in my icon, or you're just not there yet (though the game's been out for years, A HA HA... ), be warned: spoilers abound.

So, with that said, ladies, gentlemen, fanpoodles, I give to you... Dart is NOT a crazed pyromaniac! Take notes!

Dart Feld, age 23. Hero of the video game Legend of Dragoon, and also a victim. Of what, you ask? Bashing, dear children, to the highest extent. Why?

For starters, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

But some of us are okay with that. We know that he's only human, and he can't be expected to know everything. So he can't look at Rose and figure out that she was the Black Monster that plagued him all his life. So he doesn't know that Haschel is his grandpa. So what, you say?

So the fanpoodles out there have gotten it in their heads that Dart is, as is most commonly put, a "stupid retard of a moron" who can't do anything other than sit around and light things on fire.

... Hunh?

Fire, as all who have played the game know, is Dart's element. He is strongest when he attacks with something fiery, just like Rose is darkness and Shana is light. In that same aspect, Meru - being of the water-element - does a poor job with fire magics. (dart does poorly with water, but that's to be expected - they're opposites, afterall.)

Yes, I've played the game, and I happen to love Flameshot. It's my favorite attack. I'll run around on the moon and go Dragoon just to see Dart use it. I admit that freely. I love Dart, and I love fire.

So here's where we'll draw the line.

Dart is incapable of using water magic in his dragoon form. Anything but fire, actually. But he's not a pyromaniac. A pyromaniac likes fire, and that can include setting it, too. I'd know - that's my description. I lit the garbage on fire before, and my coffee table as well. Mmm, fire...

The fact is, Dart isn't stupid. Sure, he can be daft at times, but remember---he likes Shana just as much as she does. It takes him longer to realize it, though, as he's been questing for revenge for the past five years. Shana's been thinking only of him, and Dart---well, he's been thinking about destroying that which destroyed his hometown and his only family.

Dart's also male. Ladies, do men always get things straight off?


No, they don't. And males, take no offense to this; not all of you are guilty, but it's a stereotype that Dart was given. He knows that Shana loves him, yes; it's the depths of that which he cannot fathom.

And yes. Dart probably knows what the word "fathom" means, even if you don't. He's not *stupid*.

Dart was pretty quick to piece things together later on, especially once Ziek Zeik his dad came back into the picture. ((My apologies to those of you who know his name---I can't visibly see the difference between the "IE" or the "EI." vv)) He knew his dad would die, and he knew that Rose would, too. He hoped that wouldn't have to happen---after so many years, he got a dad again, people.

That's what the bashers don't understand---Dart grew up an orphan. He didn't get to talk to his dad at *all* past the age of 5. His only companion was Shana, who was just a little girl then.

The root of all this blathering on, you ask? Fine then, I'll skip to the point.

Just because his element is fire doesn't make him a pyro. If this were true, Dart would've been sad to see Seles burn, but overjoyed by the sight of the flames. Sad but true, dears; sad but true.

Dart's not an idiot. He's just a regular Joe with a regular job ol' swordsman, fighting to save the world a la Fantasy Style RPG.

Mmm... have we learned anything, guys and dolls? If not, let's end with a piece most of us can relate to in some way: fanfiction.

So, I was browsing through, right? And do you know what I found in the Weiß Kreuz section? A fic that had the following words in the summary: NO YAOI, SORRY!

... Sorry? Why are you sorry? I don't understand. There is no canon shounen-ai or yaoi or anything in the series. I'm offended by your apology, because you, dear *namewithheldbecauseIdontrememberwhoitwas*, make it sound like a fic *has* to have some guy on guy action to make it a fic.

It's people like you, and others too, that make me so *mad* sometimes. I once had a reviewer leave a note that said "well, I don't like fics with out yaoi, SORY," and I was angered.


What happened to all the girls on this planet? For the love of the Holy Hand Grenade, people, would you shove some common sense into that cracked peanut shell you call a brain? Women exist. And the people who write these atrocities? Usually female! What I don't get is how they can be so high and mighty about yaoi and then giggle about how cute a guy is. Well, if you just made him kiss that other guy for NO APPARENT REASON, I'm sure you'll be next on his list. Really.

Do not apologize to me for making your fic het, yuri/shoujo-ai, or even pairingless. Don't do it. Unless I paid you to make it that way, cease and decist. I don't want to hear it. You're ruining my fandom, and I want. You. OUT.

Checks, cash, and money orders can be sent to my address. All flames and anthrax-type envelopes will be forwarded to someone who can pretend to care.

That's all for Videl Versus The World today, kiddies! Stay tuned next week, because you never know when I'll add in another fun-filled rant! *cheesy music plays*

legend of the dragoon

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