
Mar 20, 2004 21:10

Some people seriously need to know what the hell they're talking about before they review something.

Not only is everything mostly wrong, but they posted these little bits, which pissed me off to no end:

"... Shuya (weapon: dustbin lid) and Noriko (weapon: binoculars) are monstrously idiotic waste of carbon material that will outrage Darwinists everywhere, but I'm getting ahead of myself."

Hi. First, it's not a dustbin lid. I don't know which Battle Royale movie you were watching, but it's a pot lid. They say pot lid numerous times in the damn thing, in every subtitle i've seen.

Let's not get started on the Shuya/Noriko comments, yet.

".... I am far from impressed by the two nitwits, Shuya and Noriko. These two are idiots who, in the natural selection and strong-eats-weak environment of the island, deserve to be eliminated five seconds down the road, I tell you. These two spend all their time cowering in caves and getting their useless asses rescued by long-suffering Kawada that I just feel ill seeing their useless, parasitic faces. Noriko is the worst. A typical conservative chauvinist man's wet dream, she walks with her eyes cast to the ground and humbly addresses Shuya and other men in her life as 'Mr'. She has a pair of binoculars, but does she use that freaking stupid thing? No, she "feels" that Shuya is nearby, and abandons Kawada to run blindly into the forests. She gets lost, stumbles upon Ms Unpopular, and I shock everybody in the cinema by screeching 'Kill that stupid dimbulb, yes, KILL HER KILL HER!' Alas, she doesn't get her head blown off, more the pity. Mr Kitano, who also sees Noriko like some Pure, Virginal Martyr symbol the way Shuya and Kawada do, comes to her rescue. I want to puke. "

Okay.... I need to breathe. Because, this whole... part makes me mad. Let's begin with her blatent hatred of Noriko. It's pretty pathetic, in my opinion, when you see a movie only once (as this person probably has, judging by all of the misinformation in the reveiw alone), and hate someone so profusely.

Noriko is the worst. A typical conservative chauvinist man's wet dream, she walks with her eyes cast to the ground and humbly addresses Shuya and other men in her life as 'Mr'.

God. This part makes my brain hurt so much. From what I've gathered about Japanese culture, this is considered normal behavior! UGH. Spork please.

This is the worse review for Battle Royale I have ever seen, and that's saying a lot, considering the reviewer gave it an 84, and I've seen a lot of negative reveiws of the movie.

Guh. dfigfihgofguihdfdogh

battle royale

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