You! Out of my fandom!

Mar 16, 2004 23:12

Shadow of Destiny, or Shadow of Memories depending on your position in the world, has a very tiny fandom - probably about 20-30 people at most. And, until recently, about 99% idiot-free.

Until now.
Eike is teh stoopid!!11!

-.- Eike is a bit of a baka, but likeble enough. ...Except for when he just decides to lie down in the middle of the road... Baka.
Which game are you playing, sweetie? Unless you hadn't noticed, he's *actually* lying down in The Square, which is pedestrian paved. The car comes *up* stairs, and runs him over in a no-car zone.
He's just stopped his own death, and is appreciating life by looking at the night sky. Many people do that without being killed several times beforehand.
Anyway. I know he doesn't seem exactly bright, but you try being told that someone is trying to kill you and the only way you can stop it is by travelling back and forth through time and solving clues. He doesn't get some of the clues the player does, due to the fact he's generally face down in the pavement at the time, so it's a little understandable really. He's not completely dumb as people seem to think (a little like the Relena case), he's just put slap bang in the middle of something he never asked to be a part of. All of a sudden he has to understand complex time-travelling theories, and save his life several times in the space of about 12 hours.
But then, I've seen idiot-Eike fics from the very early days of the fandom who bash him for taking time out to give a little girl a kitten. It's apparently a crime to do so, evidently.

I don't claim to be the know-all-end-all of the fandom, but I love the game to bits and hoped it would never come to this T_T *sigh*
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