Look! A newbie!

Aug 28, 2003 20:47

I come bearing rantage! Or something. I dunno. But, here I am, and here follows my list of characters I like who take too much crap. (I think this is a great idea for a community, by the way!)

There are some Fushigi Yuugi spoilers, but from the backlog, many of you are familiar with it already, anyway.

Yui from Fushigi Yuugi. Please, people. She may have been acting like a psychobitch, but I imagine that being led to believe you were raped and abandoned would have just a bit of an affect on your judgment, ne?

Suboshi, also from Fushigi Yuugi. I lovelovelove Suboshi. He's a nice kid who's been raised in a bad situation, and it shows. And Nakago was around to subtly nudge him into venting his rage at the wrong people, as he did with Tamahome's family. The only time I disliked Suboshi was when he nearly raped Miaka, so that she'd understand what Yui went through. That was just...so not cool of him--I don't really care for Miaka, but come on, nobody deserves that! But aside from that incident, I don't think Suboshi can be written off as a psycho murderer kid. He's just a boy whose judgment has been warped by his surroundings.

Lachesis, from Fire Emblem 4. Most of the fandom doesn't have a problem with her, but sometimes she gets mocked a bit because she's in love with her older half-brother, Eltoshan. To which I say...so what? She gets over him. And if you read the manga (here I'm thinking of the Osawa version...there were a couple different manga based on the game), her breakdown after Elto's death, and the way Finn helps her recover...it's one of the most powerful scenes in the whole thing. I'm rather partial to Lachesis, though, since she acts much like me.

(Although, one of the best things about the Fire Emblem fandom is the almost complete lack of character bashing. Minus Beowulf-bashing, which is more a big happy joke than because everyone seriously hates him.)

Sapphire/Safiru, from Sailor Moon. He's not really bashed, just...ignored. I like Emerald/Emeraude, too, and she seems to be popularly viewed as a vacant bitchy airhead. I love the entire Black Moon family, really. I can empathize with their reasons for trying to conquer earth, being kicked off it and exiled to Nemesis and everything.

The Dynasty Warriors fandom doesn't bash my favorite characters so much as mishandle them. Lu Xun in particular. He's been paired with Mary Sues, turned into a cheating unfaithful husband (to two Mary Sues, at the same time, no less), turned into a psychotic pyromaniac, yaoied with Gan Ning... *sighs and pets Lu Xun* All this by fangirls who claim to love him. Zhao Yun gets treated badly, too, as does Jiang Wei to a lesser extent. At least the fangirls haven't seemed to take much notice of Ma Chao yet...oh, and Diao Chan may be a manipulative seductress, but that doesn't make her stupid plz kthx.

Final Fantasy VII. Aeris. She's either worshipped and loved, or torn to pieces as a stupid slut, because she actually had the guts to *gasp* flirt with Cloud! Le sigh.

Final Fantasy Tactics. I am probably one of the biggest Wiegraf fangirls on the face of the planet. I have an entire rant tucked away somewhere about his mistreatment, so I won't go into detail here, but until the moment when the Aries stone activated itself and Wiegraf consented to sell his soul to Velius, I sincerely believe that he was acting for what he believed was the common good. He didn't sell out to the Glabados Church; that was simply a way of fighting to achieve his goals--and with the destruction of the Death Corps, his options were limited. If anyone wants to see the rant, I'll dig it out, but if I keep going on Wiegraf we'll be here all night.

That's all I can think of at the moment, anyway...

sailor moon, fushigi yuugi, dynasty warriors, final fantasy tactics, fire emblem, final fantasy vii

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