(no subject)

Jun 14, 2006 00:16

Being home has really made me realize who cares about me and who could give a shit less. It's so refreshing to know that the people I was there for weren't there for me when I needed it most. This make it easier for me to make out my will. No, but seriously. I'm pretty fucking stoked to be home. Everything is going right for me, and this time it's not going to change. I have a wonderful girlfriend named Ali, and if you know her, well, good fucking for you. I'm glad. I hope people don't like her and I hope people don't like me. I really hope people hate the fact that we go out and think I'm making a bad decision. I really hope people still dwell on the past. That makes me feel appreciated and like people care. It makes me feel pretty damn important that the decisions I make affect them personally. I mean, shit, that wouldn't be due to the fact that I'm a fucking blonde bombshell, would it? Oh yeah, for those of you who haven't seen me, I'm not longer blonde. I'm no longer really anything as I had to practically shave my head due to my gay ass job. So maybe it's the tattoo's that make me so goddamn appealing? This summer I've decieded to shoot first, ask questions later. Because asking questions first and shooting later is for pussies. Shooting while asking questions is pretty fucking cliche, too. I just signed my lease, and will be moving into my appartment sometime in mid-August. This summer I'm going to burn this fucking city down just like I did last summer. Only this time there will be 3 police cars instead of 2! I also love how alot of peoples lives are pretty shitty right now. That gives me the biggest fucking boner ever, and my ear isn't even being nibbled on. Seriously, kids. Grow up, and grow a fucking set. Lying was cool when I was like 18. Haha. It's great when karma kicks someone else in the the ol' ball bag for a change. Always remember to say what you mean, and mean what you say. It's alot better that way.
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