If.. anyone knew him, Rory's gone home. Rory Williams.
[For the moment, Amy doesn't sound that choked up about it. Maybe a little annoyed, but .. Anyone who knew her might just glean there was something else beneath the surface. First River, now Rory... Amy Pond wasn't unused to waiting for people, or being left behind, but that didn't make it any
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Of course.
Great! You can come help me empty out the cupboards of your tea, then. [Grin. Tiny one, but none the less.]
[But, well, he'll be getting up and sauntering his way over, Amelia Pond. Just hold tight.]
'Course they are. Well, as long as you have food in the house- where are you staying, anyway? [She hadn't seen his and River's new abode, come to think of it.]
Lots of it, actually. If there's one thing River is, its prepared. [He makes a dismissive sort of noise in the back of his throat.] Oh, nearby. You'll see soon enough.
Hm, you have a point. [At least it wasn't difficult talking about River- what with her not being there. River was quite often not-there, and seeing her only now and then was a bit of the norm. Not that she didn't miss her, of course.] Well then, hurry up! Do you want me to come meet you part way?
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