Home to Visit my Cat and my sister's Cat...

May 14, 2006 20:07

Happy Mother's day, everyone! When Tess and I returned to Millis to visit my mother on this fine, rainy, crappy Sunday afternoon... I found my cat (Claw) and my sister's cat (Frosty) up to some dirty old tricks...

Claw has apparently become quite a talented needle point artist. When I heard he was messing around with needles, I thought he was just really into drugs, so I wasn't all that concerned... When I discovered he was all about needle point, I got a little worried and decided to spy on him and see what else he was up to. I soon discovered him no longer using a litter box (at least not for excrement) but he was happily sitting on the can, belting out the lyrics to Metallica's "Fight Fire With Fire" and stitching up a lovely needle point picture of Grover Cleveland dutch ovening the members of the Spirit Squad. I was impressed with his attention to detail. Tess insists that Claw is plotting her death, but I still have my doubts that he'd really do something like that. Apparently, he has been taking his completed works and hiding them in the basement of my parent's house. Most of his work seems to resemble something of an S&M nature. I also discovered that he now smokes crack regularly. After I left, I thought about what I had learned and decided to give Claw a call and ask him why at 16 years old, has he taken up such hobbies. Unfortunately, when I called, I got his answering machine which said "For English, please press 1, for Espanol, please go back to Mexico..." therefore the reasons for his recent behavior are inconclusive to me at the moment. Rumors are beginning to circulate that he is Adolph Hitler reincarnated.

Now, it seems reasonably safe for all of this to occur. When I saw what Frosty was into, I started to get really worried. He has taken up painting in recent years and has become the world's newest Impressionist. You can imagine how shocked I was to learn this; I mean, Frosty really struck me as a Dada kind of cat, you know? He has also seems to have dabbled a bit in Surrealism, so I guess that's close enough. He sells his Impressionist paintings on the black market and spends the money he makes on Opera lessons. He got quite a bit of money for that painting of Monet and Manet facing off in a boxing match. After he masters his voice with the Opera, he plants to begin taking up Pointillism. Talk about ambitious.

"Claw joined the circus so he could do shady arms deals with the Russian horse guys! I mean, seriously, where else are you going to get a decent Kalashnikov around here? Duh!" (Tess, circa an hour ago)
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