Dec 31, 2004 15:26
This year, this goddamn year...was:
-full of alcohol, way more than drugs for once
-full of emotionally destructive sex
-full of emotional destruction, for that matter
-full of sickness and excruciating back pain
This fucking year I:
-saw Priest and Sabbath, and could have died happy enough
-went embarrassingly apeshit over a girl who raped me of my dignity and trust
-gave my soul over to my alcoholic destiny
-moved 6 times
-wound up at my cousin's and got to know him better
-took up ambient/powernoise as my creative musical outlet
-quit my job impulsively because....
-probably injured my back permanently as a result of it
-cultivated a few friendships that matter, thankfully
-quit smoking cigarettes and instead smoke almost the same amount in cloves
-slept less than I've ever slept in my life
A few good albums came out this year. Hails to Darkthrone, Damnation, Snowfall, and the fallen Quorthon.
Hails to:
James and Chase, my satanic alcoholic brothers in darkness
Richard, my alcoholic gay mexican
Moriah, my alcoholic sister in darkness
Rachelle, my alcoholic future co-star porn queen (fuck yeah)
Lia, my wise beyond her years, alcoholic friend
All of my friends with a good head on their shoulders, who know, who
have been there, who see life and death for what they are, and who see
people for who they are.
All alcoholics, be it a blessing or a curse.
All of you who know that I hold respect for you.
Patrick Bateman
It's my wish that tsunamis and terrorists blow you all to hell less
painfully than the rest. At the very least, you all will be too
drunk to notice. As for me, I don't care how or when I go, but I
know I'll be wasted fucking sick and staring it in the face.
Every drink this next year is for you all. If you live in
America, don't give two shit about who's president, because unless he
takes the title Grand Potentate or Fuhrer, he's a small piece of a
puzzle with too many pieces to count.
Women, get your shit straightened out, and men, once they do, don't fuck it up for them again.
The world is a shitty place to live in, but if you have to live in it
as we do, it sure is worth watching how shitty it progressively
gets. Skullfuck 2005 for me, each and every one of you.