OKAY, let's see if this works. Group scavenger hunt time! If you find something from the list below, post it/a link to it in comments AND provide another item to get. Whoever finds that one gets to add their own item to find, etc etc
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Fic where eating food plays a prominent role.
This is all about food tho' not really the eating of it: solid by hetrez (Firefly)
Charlie Crews eats lots of fruit: Night for Many Miles and Then by annakovsky (Life)
"On Thursdays Mr Potter goes to the supermarket.": On Wednesday by tryfanstone (Harry Potter)
Except those are all only tangentially related, so.... I bet I'm going to keep thinking about it.
Fic about an apocalypse in a fandom where you wouldn't expect one.
Dammit, I cannot find it. But instead, have these two:
"Drunk's Luck" by dark_roast (Veronica Mars)
"glum olitory obfuscate gazebo" by soundingsea (Veronica Mars)
A really terrible review of The Wire from its first three seasons (or ever, really, but I won't click to avoid spoilers).
Burn by 3jane (Firefly)
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