Apr 15, 2005 11:14
Today has been a good day..i didnt think i would actually feel like staying @ school all day..but i do...after school i am going to gorege town to a day care to see about getting a job...I hope i find one..I cant let Dustin have a job and be making money..and then me be broke..! LOL!!! I think i am going to go around to shops downtown and hotels in corydon..! LOL!! Cleaning isnt really my thing but i will get discounts on rooms..and i wont be cooking...!
If n e one knows someone that is hiring and can get me a job let me know...!
I dont think i am doing much this weekend..I am going to spend time with Dustin as much as possible...he has a game tonight @ henryville..and he prolly wont be home till late...then tomorrow i am going shoping for a prom dress and i am going to prolly spend the rest of my birthday money..then dustin and i are going to the movies and to get soemthing to eat..ither with just the two of us..or we are going to invite another couple..! Then Sunday i am going with him if he goes to Sam Myers to pic out a tux for him..for his contest..! Then i dont know what we will do...I prolly take him home..and then i will go home and get ready for school..! Allie wants to do something this weekend..So I might do something with her..if she calls me or i get ahold of her..she text me but for some reason i dont think my phone is letting me text..! What a dumb phone I need a new one..!
Well ppl are already starting with me and Dustin...there always has to be this one person who isnt happy with themselves so they have to try to make every one else miserable..! I have realized that there is always going to be someone who starts stuff..and try to mess us up..!! I have to get used to it..cause its going to happen more than what it is now...and its going to get worse before it gets better..! I dont care what that person says cause they dont have the balls to say who they are...!! and if its going to be like that then im just going to ignore what they say..cause i only believe ppl that can tell me to my face that he dont care about me or that he is doing something behind my back...!! Well im out..!