Jun 13, 2004 14:13
-->So friday Rel and fraser came over. We walked to Subway and got supper and then on the way back Ashley being the character she is limboed under a tree branch. We watched Z3 at my house and Amy came over. Congrats Aim and Sue on making cheering im so proud of you girls! Then Fraser and Amy left but Rel slept over and we had tons of fun! Sorry that i feel asleep while you were talking.
-->Then Saturday..o jeez...well that day was certainly a laugher! Okay well me amy, cait (aim's cousin) and katelyn went over ashley's house in hopes of studying. We didnt open our bags once the whole day. We first watcfhed amy and katelyn like soak up in tanning oil which is always funny when your watching amy dance around while she does it. Then we went swimming and found from number 1. I don't like frogs so i didnt touch it then we invented BOTTOMS UP! That must have been the highlight of my weekend..we just got crazy. Amy jumping in and her bathing suit falling off then me and her switching then realizing that her bathing suit was def. a little to small for me so me putting on ona ashleys tops o good. We all had mixed matched bathing suits by the end of the night. O amy peeing outside by the flag pole. Ashley won bottoms up! i was "shaking" it towards the window then i saw kate and ashleys parents watching me..and they were laughing. We def. played BOTTOMS UP for like 3 hours! will have to teach it to you guys!Then we went inside and watched it on the tv, because took pics and videoed most of it. wow that was nucking futs!..BOOGERS!
-->well today absolutely sucked. i feel down the stairs. Before you laugh know that it was my moms fault. She told me to wash the WOODEN stairs with pledge. Being the good kid i am, i did. on the very top.working my way down i feel..down all my fucking stairs. I started to cry and i didnt go to the docs. but i might have to because i can't move my lower back :0( Well thats about it im gonna go get more ice for my back.
<3 Karen