
Apr 14, 2008 21:09

A picture from our holiday - taken in the garden at Brighton Pavilion.

Today's garden-related task was to ruthlessly thin the rocket and salad leaves that were getting crazy-tangled in my windowsill container. Sadly, I think I had far too much ruth and although I snipped out a fair number of seedlings the mini-jungle has not returned to order but only to a mini-straggle. I decided after I cut out enough to thoroughly fill up my sandwiches that I would leave the rest for a day or so and then have another go.

Lesson learned - sow much more thinly next time!

I've also had to try and sort out the seedlings in peat pellets in the propagator. I left them on the kitchen windowsill and *someone* knocked them off and put them back in the wrong order! I can tell the thyme, mangetout and broccoli seedlings apart easily, and in a few cases I could see the mangetout seed through the soil so I've plumped the soil over a bit and put that pellet on the mangetout side of the propagator. However, most of them will remain mystery seedlings unless and until they sprout. Also, one of them seemed to have a bit of mould growing on the compost, which has made me start to worry about my "wait a little while and if nothing happens, stick another seed in" plan. I'm going to stick with waiting a little while and then decide what to do once I know for sure what isn't going to sprout. I currently have 4 broccoli sprouts and 4 mangetout sprouts, 3 thyme pellets still going strong, no sign of any pumpkin.

Lesson learned - find somewhere much more secure for the propagator!

In other news, I picked up three bags (3 for 2! 180 litres for <£8!) of bark chippings at lunchtime with a view to finishing off the landscaping of my front garden by the end of this weekend. Goodness that sounds grand - I've got two raised beds left to make, a corner to level out over by the outside tap, and some weedmat to lay, then its just a case of spreading around the bark chippings, and putting my lone decking-tile in the levelled-out corner. Then we will be good to go: from there starts the job of  working out how much manure to put in the beds and what to plant in them... yay!

rocket, broccoli, pumpkins, mangetout, thyme, salad leaves

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