Oct 13, 2004 21:37
Went to see the Hells Pit tour with John and Jess. Anybody Killa topped the show. ICP was good but i was upset they didnt play certain songs...and some songs they played didnt make sense. Like Santa is a Fat Bitch. It aint Xmas...so it didnt make sense. I mean i love that song...but it just didnt fit.
Overall the show kicked ass though. I saw some old friends from my apartment days. Scotland and Van ROCK!!! LOL. DONT MAKE OUT WITH JIMMY URINE! LOL. Thanx for the advice Van!
I also saw Travis, Derek and Adam from Maine. I went to this years gathering with them. It was awesome seein them again. Ill catch them at Fright Fest too! WOo WOo!
I saw my friend Dubay too. Reminds me...i gotta call that fucker! LOL.
I also flashed the entire front of the line. This girl Jess asked. I havent done that in forever. But um yeah.
And since i pick up spare change off the ground...thought all ya'll would like to know i found $2.99 total. LOL. Thank you to my "Sweeper Team" (John, Jess, Van, Scotland, Alex, the 2 kids playin hackey sack, and those 2 random girls who thought it was funny that i pick up money)
All i gotta say is : Not so funny after ya'll heard i took $1200 to the gathering this year mostly due to findin spare change on the ground.
The mosh pits were rockin. Matrix Style fallin. It was weird. And since i had my surgery i hadda take it easy. Blah. Thank gawd all this surgery shit will be over for Fright Fest.
I still have no idea what to do for a costume for Fright Fest. Im thinkin Spiderman Face Paint...but i dunno yet. Who knows. I gotta get crackin on that though.
Anyways. Other than that life is aight. Tonights episode of Lost was pretty decent. No matter what i cant figure out that show. Its an awesome show though.
And the only other interesting thing with me is that i went to Bull Moose Music yesterday and bought The Day After Tomorrow. That movie rocks!
~*~Twiztid Clowny JuGGaLoVe~*~