so i had my art show. as always things worked out perfectly!
my art was well recieved and i even sold a piece!
how spectacular! friends and family came by, but there was an issue with the time, so some friends made it a little too late. everyone thought we were going to 10, then some fella decided we were only going to 8. boo.
i sold one piece that will hang in a local kids room. the kid isn't born, it's just called baby sasaphras... or something like that.
with my sale, i purchased some new oil pigments and canvas and primer. i'm ready for my art to get to a next level which i think may be easier on canvas.
well, it was a lot of fun. i plan on doing more as i casually pass through time.
here is a pic of me and mommi foucher. she lent me a million easels and things. we were coming up north when the bridge at navy peir opened up. which i've never seen before. we ended up getting out of the car and looking about. it was hysterical when the boats finally started coming through because only one tiny little boat showed up. both me and mommy fou laughed at that. finaly the other boats came through.
i was hoping to get images of the bridge and some boats... but instead i get a ferris wheel sticking out of my head... HA!
now i need to purchase a laptop... yipes.