I am currently doing a course called 'Riding the Bull - The 10 Steps to Enlightenment'
On Thursday we did Step 5, it is all about being aware of our thoughts and catching that first negative one. Once able to do that we can stop it or change it, then we are able to become masters of our own destinies and create the things we truly desire.
How many thoughts do you think every day and how many of those ones are negative, have you ever thought about it? I can't do this because I don't have that, I am not good enough, clever enough, pretty enough etc etc.. Well, I honestly thought that I could manage this, I mean, it gets easier..right? piece of cake! The force is strong in this one! said my alter ego Course was on Thursday and today is Sunday, man oh man what a tuff day today! All my insecurities and fears just wouldn't leave me alone. I felt like I was fighting for my life. I rushed off to a morning Kundalini yoga class as this form of yoga I usually find most beneficial in calming my mind... It helped somewhat, but still did not shut my brain up. I washed dishes, did some laundry and unwittingly burn't some rice. Thank God that this evening I went to a music concert, OMD.. surprisingly.. IT WAS HAVING SOME FUN that did it for me! Finally, I am at peace and tomorrow is another day ;)