Dec 19, 2002 09:46
went to see dykes do drag at the bowl last night. and ordered beer for the first time. and bought julia a beer. and felt slick about it, except i wasn't trying to pick her up. although she did look good.
and mary #2 looked good. she always does. and lisa is right, she got the butch and the femme of her wrapped up and intwined so perfectly together that it's almost a crime. she changed a lightbulb in my partment the other day and i felt like a stupid little girl. and it was hot. hot to watch her climbing around on my kitchen countertop, almost hanging from the goddamned ceiling, just up. just
and lisa and i came home and she fed angel crickets and she did my fucking dishes. and i told her she didn't have to and she said she knew she didn't have to, but sometimes she got to. i forgot that untilo this morning and then i looked to see and they were all done. she left a note for julia, and i vibed, and she walked in as i came and crawled on top of me and spread her mouth all over me. so i came again, for her, and i rolled over exhausted but unable to sleep and she scratched my back and it was sweet. and i couldn't sleep and i couldn't sleep and i talked her ear off and i couldn't sleep. julia came in and went to char's room to crash. i hit the light and tried to sleep, curled into myself, away from her. finally i pulled that fucking barebulbed lamp cord and packed a bowl, lisa bowl and for slim baggies on my bedside take. and i smoked, not even half a bowl, passed it to lise, blacked out.
when i woke up this morning she was gone. which means she made it to work. one hopes.
i think i see lam everywhere.
last night i dreampt that char came home and moved all manner of furniture, including some i'd thrown out, into the living and dinning rooms. and i threw a tantrum. even though it was nice furniture, i literally laid face down on the hardwood floor of the dinning room and sreamed and cried and sobbed and choked and pounded my fists. it was such a frustraiting feeling. the messege:
i cannot handle anyone fucking with my space right now.
i'm excited to move. i have so much to do.
lyssi and bay and i are watching the sound of music.
more later.