calendrical joys

Jan 01, 2011 19:24

I love Sasco's mini year planner, but I couldn't get one this year what with my England trip being cancelled by all the snow.

I've not found a year planner I like in the stores near me or online - I'm just used to Sasco's format, my family's had a Sasco Year Planner for about as long as I can remember, and their mini one fits perfectly on my beloved pinboard (whose frame is green and shiny).

But we live in the future, so somebody had made an Excel macro for drawing a Sasco-like planner and shared it online (at My Gadget Life). Hooray! And it turns out it's really awesome - you can customise what it prints for particular days, so mine's got the American and Jewish calendars, and the week's parsha, all printed right onto the year planner! instead of writing them in afterwards by hand!

I am happy :)
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