More from Gabriel

Jun 23, 2010 13:31

Another interesting titbit from Eisenberg, absolutely courtesy of Gabriel, because Jen is not in the habit of reading long Hebrew introductions to random books, and Gabriel is.

Remember that Eisenberg dissed Edomites, and said that they were sexually iniquitous. Well, there is an “Important Disclaimer” (מודעה רבה) in the front of the book:

To anyone who reads this book: Note that any time I mention the following words:
‫עכו”ם, גוי, ישמעאל, עמלק, אדום‬ [Akum/Star-Worshipper, Goy, Ishmaelite, Amalek, Edom], I am referring to the ancient peoples who lived at the time of the Targumim and the Mishna and the Talmud, who used to worship stars and constellations, and did not believe at all in the Creator and His providence, as Maimonides wrote in the Yad Ha-Hazaqa, הלכות עבודה זרה, and in the More Nevukhim, section 3, chapters 29-30. He calls them Sabaeans.

However, none of this has anything to do with the nations today, in whose midst we live. On the contrary, they recognize God, and the Sages commanded us to pray for the wellbeing of their state, and we still do so even today, each Sabbath. This is especially true about Russia. We can make an a fortiori argument from Egypt. For we lived in Egypt for only 210 years, and nevertheless the Torah commanded us “You must not abhor an Egyptian”, and Rashi comments: “At all - even though they threw your sons into the River. Why? Because they gave you hospitality when you were in need.”

And all the more so, yes, quite, all the more so about the hospitality which Russia has provided us For it has been expansive hospitality for the Jewish people, for almost 1,000 years. Therefore, we are obligated to pray for their welfare, and the welfare of their state.

Recall he said - …there is nothing which hurts one’s fellow more than telling him the truth. Therefore, the King of Edom became furious at Moses.

And compare today’s disclaimer, which may be summarised Any time I say rude things about non-Jewish rulers, any similarity to real-life characters is totally accidental.

And form your own conclusions about what’s going on there.

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