Friends for survival aren't the same as friends you'd die for

Sep 16, 2014 19:06

Earlier today, a really close friend of mine rejected me for doing something. It's fine, really. I wasn't offended. I just realised something.

I have a male friend, who would do anything for me. He's my best friend actually, so it's pretty normal, because I would do anything for my bestfriend too.
And the person mentioned before *points to previous paragraph* is supposedly my best friend too, but she couldn't do me a simple favour. The favour was rather childish because I asked her to accompany me to the laundry. Yeah, I could go there alone, so maybe that's why she rejected. But then again, I would accompany her, even if she didn't ask me to. Plus, it wasn't like I was going to do laundry for the whole hour, it was only putting in some coins, putting the clothes inside the machine, press a few buttons, and done. Hmm, then again, maybe because it was so simple, I should go and do them alone. Besides, exam's around the corner so that's why.

Well. There are so many points of views, and whichever way you look at them, both parties may seem right. That's why I said, I wasn't offended.

Anyway, my male friend, and also my other three female friends, would really do things for me.
For instance, my 2 girlfriends went to my college registration day with me. (Actually someone broke up with me, and I haven't moved on, so I was scared if I broke down when I see him, thus I asked my friends to come with me for some kind of moral support, and they did) I said two because one couldn't make it - she was out of the state, and the other two were free - they were on their holidays so they had plenty of time. So in a way, there's not much reason for them to reject me. But still, they went into a lot of trouble because they went there by their own car (they could have just come with me because we are neighbours and our house were practically just a few blocks away) and they even got lost because the road here was confusing. Like really, really confusing. Even though this is already my "home", I still couldn't understand the road. But anyhow, they managed. With lots of trouble, I may add.

And about my male friend... It was Friday, so I wanted to go home. But sadly, I didn't have a car, and my parents couldn't come for me because they had a meeting with a client. I could have asked for my friend to send me to the train station, but I also had a meeting with my lecturer and my friend had to go home early. And my other friend... Let's just say shit happens okay. So then my male friend offered to send me to the train station. It was 9pm and he was on his way from his college (around 30 minutes from mine I think), but then he got lost (see, I told you the road here is bullshit) and then it was 10pm and my Dad called to asked where I was. I told him I'm still in my hostel, waiting for my friend to send me to the train station. My Dad then persuaded me (well, in a way I sulked that he couldn't take me home) and he said that before 8am tomorrow, he will be here to fetch me home. He wouldn't let me travel by train at night (well honestly, I was scared myself so yeah) So I told my male friend about it and he sounded hurt, he said, "Come on, I'm halfway here and you asked me to go home? I even borrowed my friend's car. How about if I send you straight home?" so I called Dad again, and, well, dad trusts him so yeah.

So I waited for him. I waited and waited and waited and then it was 12. I couldn't get through him to tell him the directions because his phone was dead, and that he couldn't find people to ask for directions because it was late at night. Then some miracle finally happen at 1am because he has already passed my hostel until the end of the road and made a u-turn and suddenly decided to turn his head to the left and saw my hostel - according to his story that is.

And then, the next problem that arose was to tell me that he has arrived. If I were to retell the story, it would be very long. But long story short, the guard lent him his cell phone, and so I am on my way home~

See, there are lots of different measures a person would take for you. So hold on to them tightly, cherish and appreciate them! *wink*


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