Sep 28, 2010 16:56
[When Firo speaks, he does his best to sound only a little confused, but the events have shaken him up.]
Okay... so... I guess people really are gettin' tortured or somethin'. Everybody who disappeared? I wouldn't have thought blood could come through da drains though... Unless dere's enough to make 'em overflow? How many bodies would dat take? Are dere even enough people here to do it? I don't think even Claire could'a gotten dat much so quick. [Laughs nervously] And if you say little people livin' in da pipes are havin' a war, I won't believe you.
And how come ya can't see da people makin' all dat noise? Wish dey'd just shut up. Am I goin' blind, or can people be invisible now? And... uh...
[Switches to video, and the camera is being pointed at the bathroom mirror, the screen is shaking a bit, but it's still easy to see everything. Only about the top third of the mirror is still on the wall, some shards with blood on the edges can be seen scattered about on the sink. The part of Firo's hand that can be seen looks like it's dripping blood.]
Are dey really dere, or am I just goin' crazy? I don't even remember some of 'em...
[Doing his best to sound not-freaked out] Yeah, well... Everybody doin' okay? ...If ya need any help, I'll be willin'...
violence solves everything,
event 7,
ghosts aren't real,
abusing my mirror