Insert subject title that I don't feel like coming up with. LOL.

Aug 30, 2009 22:42

This day has felt longer than it has in weeks. Maybe all summer. OTL

Anyway, since this is almost officially my FE log, I'll just go on ahead and say that I finished Shadow Dragon today, and the timing couldn't have been better.

Um, was it just me or was this game sort of fast-paced? The maps don't seem all that challenging (aside from Endgame). You fight some enemies, reinforcements come from the forts, the same ones keep popping up, and the process repeats. And I'm not having trouble tackling the thief before he makes off with my rare goods. Yeah. Maybe it's because I'm playing on Normal? (Or maybe I've gotten better after every playthrough, especially Fuuin? Hah hah yeah...) I didn't do so horribly with the survival. I only got Julian slaughtered by Swarms once (whoops) in the Gharnef chapter. Er... unless you count the times Sheeda tried desperately to get Jake's attention... and when she finally does, he gets murdered senselessly by the boss Manakete... or the time Xane recruited himself on the enemy phase, so the enemy Hero standing next to him tapped his shoulder and stabbed him the next second. ...Nojoyplz. OTL

Don't even get me started on Endgame. (Because I'll get me started on Endgame. EL-OH-EL.) What's up with closing the doors on us, Medeus, huh? You like trapping mice, huh? And Gotoh, you can just go die. I didn't ask for your help. You just made it worse. I thought I was a goner when my Oguma/Barst/Merric/Tiki team got separated and it was just Merric and Tiki staring death in the face in the form of a Wyvern Lord (Dracoknight, whatever, shattup). Sheeda was being very dodgey (because of capping Skill, Speed, and Luck? 8D), so that was great on her part. But what I was freaking out over the most was my Draug/Gordon/Lena/Julian team. Godammit, Julian! You're supposed to be protecting Lena! Now she has to watch your butt. Which brings me to...

Dear Lena,

Thank you, thank you for making every turn a miracle for yourself as well as for the sake of the chapter. Especially the one time the Pachyderm did hit you, and you couldn't take another hit, but the only way for you to heal was with vulneraries, which would take you 3 turns to fully heal. (I had forgotten Merric or Gotoh could Fortify you. Har har.) Thank you so much for dodging every other turn. For that, my respect for you has risen ten-fold. And your speed was only 15. Luck at its finest, indeed.

Forever grateful,

Yeah, so that turned out rather hectic. After 30 some odd turns of the same reinforcements, we pwned Medeus' ass. Well, Marth did. With Falchion. In a critical on his first turn. Awesome. XD

I'm not going to plague this entry with unit stats. Instead, I'll try something different.

What I liked about this game:
1. vulpixi_misa was right. Merging items is the best thing since baked wyvern. (Lilina is head chef. 8D)
2. Healing experience. Man, why didn't they do this sooner?
3. Everyone had high base defense. It was great while it lasted.
4. Lower max weapon level? S rank is still cooler.
5. Touch screen capability, although I don't use it myself. (I keep making my units wait, ack. >_>)
6. Promoting with Master Seals as opposed to Knight Crest, Hero Crest, Guiding Ring, yada yada. (Not that it would have been a problem for me anyway.)
7. Moneeeeeeeeeeey~ (Gold, wutevs. I've always been so financially challenged in the earlier parts of FEs. I guess they were generous because they wanted you to forge stuff?)
8. Draug and Gordon. >w> (And yes, I am going to go there. Draug x Gordon, yay~ X3)

What I didn't like about this game:
1. The fact that Marth cannot promote. LV30 my foot.
2. The huge map that I constantly have to scroll around to see all my surroundings. You don't have to have 6 movement to be cool. The standard 5 movement in the GBA games will do.
3. The incredibly crappy avoid. Well, it's normal for this game's standards, but is only half of what it would be in FE 6-10. Likewise, hit percentages must also have been lower.
4. Marth.
4. The game's story and characters. I know it's the first game, but I'm so familiar with the series' plotlines and I already know where the story was heading. Bring dragon race back, conquer the world. Done. The characters lack color, unless you've read the manga or watched the OVA. Then only can you get some idea of what the characters are like. Support conversations are nice, but they didn't come until later. Can't blame this game.
5. Low Heal staff durability? LOL.

Um, I swear there was more pros and cons. Just... can't quite remember at the moment. Phew, that was unnecessarily lengthy. No cuts because I never cared. ;P

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