Dude Looks Like a Lady

Aug 28, 2008 17:12

Crap! I forgot to buy the Calculus textbook while I was coming home on the bus. ^^;

Today was... guh... My People, Power, Politics professor was late on a flight...? So we just got our syllabus and left. I had an hour till my next class, so I bought the book and began reading. Well, that's another $100 for that measly book. -__- ...How much excitement can you get from reading The Declaration of Independence? Seriously, it should be called The Rantings for Independence. Well, I guess the point was to declare all King George III's crimes and stuff.

"He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people."

Geez, what kind of king was this? This sounds so cliched, it's funny. XD

Next class was Calculus. I usually look forward to Math class. ...I don't think I will this term. x__x The professor just started running his mouth on limits, as if he expected the class to know what he was talking about. I never liked limits and I doubt they like me. *stabs* And my scholarly mind is still in a haze, so a review would have been nice. I hope it wasn't just me, but I was lost after he wrote lim x->0, or whatever. I usually feel a lot better when I hear other students rant about the teacher. ...I hate being lost in Math. ;___;

I went to the anime club right after. There wasn't even an official meeting today, so me and two other guys went to pilfer some sandwiches. The club's infamous for such thievery, BTW. We didn't do much, just talked... about anime. (Really?) I had to check to see if I made it into the overtally for Japanese class, so I left with a friend who managed to get in. While we were waiting, I saw the girl (also from the club) who told me about the class and actually petitioned for it. I was looking forward to seeing her 'cuz I spoke with her a lot in the club. Apparently, she forgot my name. Guess that's okay, since I didn't remember her name either until yesterday. Well, whatever. The professor didn't even make it today. I'm not that anxious about getting in the class, but I don't want to get my hopes up either.

And when I came home, I saw that...

It's just the same as yours, Imou-chan. Didn't make a big deal out of it. *shrugs*

I tried Chap. 26 again in Rekka no Ken. I thought splitting up into two groups was a better idea. Well, Jaffar magically dodged everyone and although he used up all his Killing Edge, he was left unscathed. And though I'm glad Ursula didn't Bolting Matthew to death again, she killed Nino. What a whore. Hm, this chapter is turning out to be more of a nuisance than I thought. I don't know why I enjoy reading other people's anger, but I do, and I found this f_emblem_rants amusing. I'm gonna be a geek and give it my own go.

Dear Isadora,

What happened to your Speed: 17? How could you take 16 damage at a 60% hit from a random Hero? You know you're 29 HP couldn't take it. I thought Hector would have to clean up your work, but you finished the guy in the end. Your red lipstick and long, flowing hair aren't going to help you win battles, honey. I always held high respect for Paladins, but I guess I expected too much from you. You can go rest... for the rest of the game.


Dear Eliwood,

Your pre-promotion LV 20 stats make me sad. (You make Lyn look extraordinary.) Why is it that your stats look so great... until someone ruins it by succeeding in dying? I'm resetting this battle anyway, so I'm expecting some good things from you.

Still love you as the vulnerable uke you are,

I phail. I get to have another Heaven Seal! SQUEE! That means I can upgrade Lyn. *ish happy* Uh-oh~ Hector, you better watch your Great Lord butt. Blade Lord Lyn is comin' tah town.

fire emblem

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