Fourth in a series of entries dedicated to Japanese superstar Tomoyasu Hotei's catalogue of youtube clips. There's nobody here but the fangirl.
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Video clip title: Hotei vs Char - Stereocaster
Ok, fine. I've been somewhat snarky when it comes to my fangirling. I think a fourth consecutive post is equivalent to a fourth date. I'll be nice and pick a music video that is actually really cool. Nothing weird in it, I swear.
In 2006, Hotei collaborated with several artists and came up with a concept album called "Soul Sessions". The tracks were presented as "battles" between Hotei and the artist featured in the specified track. Possibly the grooviest thing on there is this little asskicker called "Stereocaster", a guitar duel with Char, who is also considered to be one of the best guitar players in Japan.
The music video for "Stereocaster" utilizes a clean white background, not unlike the music video for Complex's "Be My Baby", whose cheesy awesomeness was already acknowledged early on. But this has an entirely different feel. The white background works because there is nothing to distract from the guitar playing - not the dancing, not the cuts, not even the fringe on Hotei's shirt in this music video can pull your focus away from the geetar chemistry between these two. Speaking of editing, I thought this was cut beautifully - on the beat, fluid and very dynamic. When you shoot something in front of a white background and it stays on a white background, you better hope there is something there your eyes won't get tired of following. Very classy!
Also - loving the whole look he had for this album. Very Bob Dylan circa "Desire" (1976). The beard works, yes.