Jul 28, 2006 07:57
I did end up going to the show, as expected.. but some unexpected things happened.
Firstly, a drunk slut tried to seduce me. How do I know she was drunk? She constantly had a beer in her hand. How do I know she was a slut? She was all over a different guy as well as trying to hang off of me. How do I know she was trying to seduce me? Trying to hold my arm, surprisingly kissing me on the cheek, etc. It was amazingly uncomfortable and generally put me off for a while. Luckily I was able to avoid her for most of the night. Some guys I was randomly talking to (plus Todd who surprisingly showed up) all said I should "go for it" but I'm not into promiscuity, especially with people I don't know. I would've felt horrible for "taking advantage" of a girl like that, either way. So I didn't.
The first band, Follow the Train, was the second worst live act I've ever seen (behind Pelican). Whereas both bands are totally boring shit live, Pelican seemed to last two hours where this band's setlist actually seemed to span the length of time it actually did last (about 30 minuteas). This was the most uninspired, uninventive, inoffensive music I've heard; this is one of those kind of bands you only see publicity for on their myspace, and with good reason. Their singer sounded like Win Butler from the Arcade Fire though. And they had two drummers, but the secone one had one drum and rarely even had parts to hit the damn thing. The whole deal made me laugh. Their singer kept advertising; I know you're supposed to do a little bit of nudging for the crowd but he was doing it after every damn song. I yelled, "Stop advertising, you cunt!" and I don't remember him saying anything else until the end of their set about it. Win. (BUTLER LOLZ.)
I had been told outside the venue that the next band (Black Angels) was this odd fuzz-rock droney thing so I was sort-of hyped from the time I got into the door to when they played. My hopes for a good band were fulfilled when I heard their first song; apparently a new one with a monotonous bass line, two drummers ('is this 'dual-drummer night' or what?) and a guitarist who was just noodling around without doing much of anything. It sounds retarded but it was fucking relentless and loud. I wish I could hear it again. Most of the rest of their songs were more song-ish though... but most were good. At the end (the encore) they segued into a cover of the Velvet Underground's "All Tomorrow's Parties" which I'm sure made everyone's indie penis rise to a throbbing boner. Black Angels = pwn. I should've bought a shirt but didn't. Speaking of merch...
Being the anal-retentive person I am, I usually refuse to buy merch from a band before seeing them play. I mean, you might look funny to the person selling the stuff and plus you have to carry it around. I was going to buy a CD-R copy of the Legend of Black Six (solely for ripping reasons) but they ended up selling out of the damn thing right in front of my eyes very soon after the band got done playing. Damn it. The girl lied to me and said they were selling the CD-R at Ear X-Tacy (when we all know Ear X-Tacy doesn't deal in CD-Rs).
Phantom Family Halo themselves pulled a Sigur Rós with their setlist that night. By that I mean that they could've done much better with the song choices. No "Legend of Black Six", no "Black River"... sucks. They did play a few songs off of their record, but those were all the short T-Rexish tracks ("Broken by the Way," etc.). Some of the new tracks pwned but nothing compared to the title track on their record... which they didn't play. Ugh. One good thing about their performance was that when singing live, Dominic's voice generally reaches a higher range than he gets on his records and he ends up sounding like... -gasp- Win Butler! (God damn, is this 'dual-drummer' AND 'vocalists sounding like Win Butler' night?!) I did end up buying a shirt from them because I like them and want to support them... but I almost didn't because their merch lady was a retarded bitch. I saw a weird ink blot on one of the vinyl prints of their album there and went to move the stack of records above it to look at it and she's like, "That's vinyl. Look but don't touch." I'm sorry, but I feel a rant coming on...
Unless you were born in like 1995 or later or your parents were always ridiculously technological futurists then you're gonna know what vinyl is. What pisses me off even more is that some dude was holding the record a few minutes later and she didn't say shit to him. Also, when I was buying the shirt, she was standing at the booth just talking to some other little bitch totally ignoring the fact that I'm sitting here with my wallet in my hand trying to inquire about a purchase. Ugh. Enough whining about that.
After I got home I stayed up until about six AM and then went to bed, planning to get up at eleven. I had plans that day, dammit. I needed my regular sleep schedule back for a day.
I left my house at 12:20 to catch a 12:37 bus but as I reached Dixie Highway the bus was going on it's way with me still on the other side of the street. I had to wait until about 1:10 to catch another one in the smoldering heat. I went to Ear X-Tacy and was dumbfounded to see a new vinyl reissue of one of my new favorite records; Comus' First Utterance. I grabbed it immediately along with the new Wolf Eyes single and bought them both, leaving in about five minutes. A trip to the bank was made to withdrawl money I'd be putting back today when I get my check. Rode a TARC to Underground Sounds and ended up buying the Red Crayola's debut record, a relatively unknown progressive rock record, another prog record that I found out was from one of the dudes in Yes and a record from this really good all acoustic folk-pop group from the sixties called the Pentangle. The guy who I usually talk to was there and I talked to him for like 35 minutes about different music and also reminding him that I'd gladly accept a position at the place when business picks up (summer is generally weak for them for some reason). He said he'd consider but I don't know if he owns the place or what... but he's obviously the oldest person I've seen working there so I'm a bit optimistic about it. All the records were breaking the plastic Ear X-Tacy bag I was carrying them in so he gave me one of those cloth Underground Sounds bags for free even though I already had purchased one before. Nice. Oh, and he borrowed the Comus record for a second 'cause he wanted it for the catalog at the store and needed to write down the serial number or something.
Off to Jake's. Our quest to progress in Donkey Kong Country was stifled in many different ways; first, both controllers were acting up (but only for that game), then they started working and we just... sucked. Plus, we forgot to save the last time we played it so we have to play a ton of stages again. We ended up quitting after like two or three stages without saving the game (but not without our usual hilarious in-game antics and great fun). I think we should go out and do more stuff instead of just sitting at his house, though; him and I both admit to getting bored quiet easy there.
Caitlin (probably butchered her name) picked us up and went to go get their tickets to Pitchfork's Intonation festival. I don't care what anyone says; knowing someone who plays Os Mutantes while driving around town = motherfucking pwnage.
I came home. I've been up since then except for accidentally dozing off a few times. The Comus record is a bit warpedaand jumps at the beginning of the first song... My guess is that it's due to the really narrow grooves (24+ minutes on one side of an LP = lol no). I broke my director's chair by leaning back in it so I dragged my recliner in here in front of the computer. Here I am.