May 02, 2007 09:20
Life Path: 9
Destiny: 19/1
Soul: 9
Personality: 10/1
Maturity: 10/1
9: compassion, wholeness, ending
1: leadership, power, beginning
19: karmic debt of abused power. also, extra emphasis on 1 and 9.
10: karmic freedom. also, extra emphasis on 1.
First Pinnacle: 11/2
First Challenge: 0
First Pinnacle Age: 0-27
11/2 Pinnacle: intense spiritual and metaphysical gorwth, harmony.
0 Challenge: all or nothing, free will.
all of this is so fitting that it's amazing.
people with a 9, 0 challenge, or 19, have a hell of a lot of potential for growth, and a hell of a lot of burdens on their shoulders.
to have two 9s, a 0 challenge, and a 19... combined with the spiritual 11/2 pinnacle, and the new start 1s and free 10s....
i'm basically destined to either become a god, or die worthless and alone. it could go either way.