Little things I've noticed

Jan 16, 2009 06:40

First off, the standard calc program in win7 is made of win. It would have been epic win if it did RPN. Time to enter a feature request as soon as I find their bug database.

Second, win7's wireless setup is disturbingly easy. Like 1. click on wireless icon in systray and select WPA2-secured site 2) enter password 3) profit.

Next, Microsoft's "Genuine Advantage" verification is no longer just ActiveX. There is a Firefox plugin now, meaning download center is totally open (Silverlight and OGA were 2 IE only bits), also the rework of MSDN is much more friendly to Firefox.

Intel (or Lenovo, but I haven't cracked the msi yet, WDK/Orca downloading) is checking the OS version incorrectly when they do applicability checks for the chipset driver installer (= vs. >). This is preventing me from using the cardbus slot to read the credentials off my badge to RDP to my work machines. win7 is touted to be driver-compatible with vista, so given that they have x64 vista drivers to begin with, its a little frustrating :p

win7 Beta bugs to file so far: 1) WDK installer package display cropped, 2) trackpoint, and other components didn't resume from hibernation (waiting for driver install before filing), 3) ICH9M partial chipset feature support (you have native support for the Ricoh 4in1 cardslot, but not cardbus or BT? erru?), 4) UAC failed to prompt for an installer launch. had to use promoted commandshell, then I got a UAC prompt.

Pretty piddly crap so far, but I've not installed a lot of software on it yet (I've been waiting for my MSDN key to begin the massive install of stuff (tm)) Next up in the ascertaining of shininess, games and random 3rd party apps I use regularly.

On the laptop front, the delete key is exactly where I expect it, even with the insert/del/home/end row config, bravo! Boo for ditching the ThinkLight, but I can imagine it interfered with the built in camera. Waiting to get drivers installed to comment more other than everything seems to be working well on it. Oh, and I named it Sonzaikan. The meaning is "One's presence as felt by others," but if you look at the kanji literally as well, it means mobile presence (Presence (Sonzai) and Move (Kan)). Linguistics nerd, me? ;)


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