Reqeust for bits

Sep 18, 2005 19:40

So I heard a band on Philosomatika, a psytrance stream, and was quite interested in it. I thought it was Astral Projection at one point, but it was a band called Pleiadians (a psytrance offshoot I found, of the band Etnica). The albumn is IFO released in 1997 on DragonFly Records. The striking 100-145bpm psytrance with lots of melodic lines is something I could listen to for hours on end at work. All of the places that once carried the either of their CDs at most lists it, but as not available, because it and the follow on CD (which by all accounts isn't as good) were extremely limited printing.

Since I have no legal recourse for finding this albumn other than to troll the used trance selection at all the used CD shops. So, I turn to you, the population of the world ^_^ Hook a brutha up!

Please forward to all your DJ friends ;)


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