Application for soul_campaign

Jun 22, 2020 17:49


Player Name: Amelia
Age: 16
Timezone: EST
Personal Journal: lemonaduh
Contact Information:
Instant Messenger: AIM = frigentem
Current Characters: n/a
Activity Checks: n/a


Name: Ilyana
Age: Age isn’t given, but she appears to be in her early teens - somewhere between 14 and 15, I’d wager.
Gender: Female
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Timeline: Post game
History: right here.

Character Personality: At first glance, Ilyana seems like a timid, shy, frail girl. She has a fragile, almost too skinny build and doesn’t really talk much, unless she’s spoken to. On the off chance she does speak, she does so quietly, and takes a lot of pauses. Truly, she seems like an introverted and distant girl, and can even come across as mysterious in some instances, due to her oddly colored hair and foreign garb.

While it is true that Ilyana doesn’t like talking much, she isn’t exactly shy. It’s more like she doesn’t really see the point in talking when she doesn’t need to. Truly, she can be described as ‘apathetic’ more than she can be as shy. She has apathy to interact with others when there is no need to. She feels she has more important things to focus on. What kind of things, you ask? Well, for the most part, it’s food. Food is pretty much all she thinks about, really. It’s always on her mind. It’s been theorized by fans that she has either hyperthyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland produces too many thyroid glands, or just an extremely high metabolism.

Due to this, Ilyana is often really weak. No matter how much she eats, she’s still hungry, and she still remains very skinny. At times, she’ll even pass out from hunger. Out of desperation, she’ll gnaw on anything - even chewing on a character’s foot after she fell over from starvation. When any other characters show a concern for her, she simply informs them that she hasn’t eaten in the last couple hours, to which they’ll often go fetch her some nourishment.

This leads Ilyana to use people a bit. If she sees that people have a genuine concern and willingness for her help, she makes sure to ‘commit their name to memory’ so she might obtain food from them on another occasion. She becomes slightly infamous among the other men in Ike’s company. They claim she ‘lures them in with her cute face, then run off with their snacks’.

However, Ilyana isn’t that callous of a person. She actually doesn’t mean to come across in a negative light. She takes it as them being generous. She’s very appreciative when you do give her food, it’s just she’s not quite sure how to express it, and tends to have serious difficulty remembering names. When you do get close to her, she becomes very caring and extremely protective. She’ll go to great lengths to protect her companions, and is even willing to risk her life for them, such as the caravan that sheltered her and allowed her to travel with them. She’s a very loyal and devoted friend. In the sequel, when she is pitted against her friend, Micaiah, she speaks of the pointlessness of them fighting and gets very worked up, claiming that ‘them fighting is wrong’.

When she’s around friends, she’s friendly, and even slightly upbeat. More so than usual, at the very least. She feels more comfortable around those she’s close to, and feels she’s able to open up more, becoming less apathetic to speak with them. She has a very peaceful, slightly serene feel to her, and is very calm and collected, though much more talkative than usual. She’s capable of making thoughtful comments and is quick to praise or compliment. She’s fond of kind people, like Mordecai, calling him an ‘angel’.

Ilyana also seems very spacey and seems to ‘dance to another beat’ so to speak. Her thought process seems to be very weird and different from others, and she often makes offbeat and strange comments.

Ilyana also seems to have a penchant for being ‘forgotten’. She doesn’t really impose much, and tends to stay in the background, so people often don’t even notice her. In fact, her special ability in the game, shade, allows for, in certain instances, enemies to completely ignore her. Even when she talks to people, she tends not to be able to get too many words in.

Character Abilities: Ilyana is a mage. As such, she’s capable of reading tomes and casting spells, namely ones of lightning variety. Being a mage requires above average intelligence - something that Ilyana has.

She’s also very persuasive and able to get what she wants, usually by means of her cute looks.

She’s also able to go completely unnoticed by other people, as her presence isn’t very imposing. As such, she’s able to hide herself fairly easily and shield herself from enemies.

While not exactly an ability, Ilyana is also capable of eating and eating and eating constantly. She claims that she normally eats enough to fill up 5 people in one sitting. This could be due to a high metabolism or even some type of disease, but it’s never actually elaborated on.

Character Weaknesses: Physically, Ilyana is very weak. She’s frail and has a very tiny build. She’ll often fall out or pass out, mainly due to hunger pains. A lot of the characters in the game comment on how skinny she is, but she can’t exactly help it. This leads to her voracious hunger. She has an absolute NEED to eat every couple of hours, and she eats a lot too. She even comments in game that she normally eats enough to feed 5 people, and when she cooks, she prepares 6 to 7 helpings.

Ilyana tends to be pretty awkward and distant. She doesn’t have much social prowess, and often has trouble getting in full sentences when talking to easily excited people. She isn’t much of a talker, especially when around people she’s not extremely close to, and will often come across as distant or uninterested in the conversations at hand.

Ilyana also tends to let her hunger control her. She’ll often lure people in with her cute face so that they’ll get her food. She does this unwittingly, but she is aware that it works, and uses it to her advantage. Because of this, people can misinterpret her as a conniving person, but she isn’t, really.

She also despises when people mock her because of her eating habits or deny her good food. At one point, in the second game, she’s locked up in prison, and declares she will have vengeance due to the poor quality of food she had been served. She can get pretty angry when it comes to her food, and it’s pretty obvious she takes it seriously.


What are the abilities that your character will retain in Soul Campaign?
Ilyana will definitely keep her high intelligence. While she isn’t going to have access to tomes or magic here, she’ll definitely still be a smart girl. She’ll also retain her charm, and her ability to go unnoticed. Of course, she wouldn’t be Ilyana without her voracious appetite, also, so she’ll still be able to gulp down tons of food at one time.

What are the weaknesses that your character will lose or gain in Soul Campaign?
As more food may be available in SC than her home world, I imagine she will become a bit less vicious when it comes to food. Only a bit, though. She’ll still have a psychological and physical need to eat often, but since more is most likely available, she won’t be as snappy about it and won’t pass out as much.

Since Ilyana has lost her ability to cast magic, though, she’ll be less able to defend herself and physically very, very pitiful. I imagine she’ll feel very lost and out of place without it. She’ll also lose the ability to read tomes.


Why your character should be a Weapon: In the game, Ilyana is a minor character. As such, she isn’t extremely involved with the overarching plot. Instead, she mainly functions as firepower. She’s dedicated herself to Ike’s cause, and has agreed to help him as long as she and the caravan she travels with receives food and shelter. So, in a way, she is used as a weapon throughout the game. She recognizes Ike as her leader and follows him and his orders willingly. Plus, don’t you think it’d be hilarious to see someone running around with a big meat stick as a weapon?

What is your character's Weapon form?: A large piece of meat, similar to this. If you were to touch the meat, you would find it isn't actually meat at all, and is instead feels like some type of steel material. In canon, Ilyana’s most distinguishable trait is her voracious appetite. She can keep eating and eating and never be full. In fact, she’ll occasionally pass out if she doesn’t eat for just a couple of hours.

Initially, the slab of meat is pretty much used as a blunt weapon. It’s heavy and thick, so it can do some decent damage. However, as the resonance with her meister increases, she begins to unlock lightning elemental attacks.

Note: Most of her attacks require 'charging'. Charging requires the meister to be perfectly still, so Ilyana can absorb electrons in the atmosphere. The longer she charges, the more powerful her attack becomes. If an attack is done with absolutely no charging, it will be largely ineffective and the opponent will most likely not feel it at all.

The attacks are as follow:

Jolt: The slab of meat gets surrounded with a slight electrical current, possibly stunning the target or paralyzing them for a moment. This attack must be charged, and the longer you allow it to charge, the more powerful the current will become. As this is already a weak attack, maximum charge time is around two minutes, and even then, it'll only barely sting. This move is advised to be used as more of a supportive move, to catch the enemy off guard.

Discharge: Bolts of electricity are shot from the meat, homing in on the opponent. This, too, has a charge up time, and the longer it’s charged, the more bolts that are shot. Up to 5 can be shot at one time. It takes one minute of charge time to create an extra bolt, so to reach the maximum amount, 4 minutes of charge time is required. If used without charging, one bolt will still be shot. If 3 or more bolts are shot, this attack can have a stunning effect, though it is less effective than Jolt's.

Gravity: The meat shoots a slow moving, homing ball of energy that has a strong magnetic pull, capable of pulling enemies closer to the meister. The longer it is charged, the faster it will move and the larger it will be. For every minute that it is charged, the circumference of the ball increases by 3 inches, and the ball's speed increases by 2 miles per hour. Maximum charge time is 10 minutes, and this move is mainly a stealth move, as using it during battle would be largely ineffective.

Rexbolt: The size of the meat increases exponentially, and the hollowed bone in the middle functions as a sort of cannon, firing a very large and powerful ray of pure lightning. This requires a VERY long charge up time and also can only be used sporadically, as it takes a lot of Ilyana’s energy. This move must be charged for at least 15 minutes, otherwise it will not work. Due to the large charging time, it is advised to charge it prior to battle, as the power can be stored for up to 30 minutes. As such, it is possible to use during battle even if Ilyana hasn't been charged during battle, making it easy to catch an enemy off guard.

All of the skills are in respective order in terms of resonation required to activate.


Soul Description: sleepy, hungry, quiet, loyal, complacent, fragile

Soul Appearance: Ilyana’s soul is a silver-lavender color, much like her hair, with sleepy, half closed, white eyes. It has long appendages that resemble her hair that split into two parts halfway down. Surrounding her soul is an odd, yellow spark, similar to electricity.


First Person: [Ilyana looks nearly emaciated when she cuts on the feed. A low grumble can be heard.. is that her stomach?] Ah.. ungh.. [She’s holding her stomach, letting out small sounds of pain.]

Does anyone… know where… I can find food? I’m.. ah.. so hungry. Haven’t eaten… in a couple of hours. This is a school.. right? Is there a cafeteria…? There has to be…

[Ilyana falls against the wall next to her, slowly sliding down to the ground. She can barely move.] M-Mmf.. Please.. someone bring me food.. preferably steak.. I haven’t had steak in ages..

[She lets out a few more strained sounds before the communicator drops and rolls away. Suddenly, silence. … It seems like Ilyana has passed out from starvation again.]

Third Person: The war was over. Peace had returned to Tellius, and Ilyana? She’d left with the merchant caravan that she’d been with for a while now. She was still so grateful for their generousness, their blind hospitality - and even more grateful for the food they provided, free of charge! Ilyana was living the life, really. She was in the company of good people, had plenty of food to eat, and a peaceful place to live. Who would’ve known that the outskirts of Nevassa would be so serene?

It was another average day for her. She’d eaten (a thick brothed chicken soup) and had left the others to nap near a brook. Sitting down on the grass, she leaned back slowly until her head touched the soft, green grass. She sighs. This one, not apathetic for once. Instead, it’s one of relief. She had an epiphany then. She realized then that she was finally happy. This is how she wanted to live her life. She fell asleep with a smile.

Unfortunately for her, she woke up in a cold sweat. It was dark. Had she really slept that long? … No, she wasn’t even outside anymore. The floor was cold in contrast to the warm, balmy summer afternoon she had previously experienced. Standing up cautiously, she attempts to peruse her surroundings. It was.. it was so dark, so horrifying. She’d never experienced anything like this. Pure, pitch-blackness… it was as if nothing existed.

She took a cautious step forward when three bizarre screens flick on. Ilyana’s mouth is agape as she absorbs the information presented to her. It seemed as if her peaceful days were over…

none I can think of!

!soul campaign

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